Page 10 - 2023 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 10

Pre-Conference Agenda

                                                        n T
                  Information Technology
        9:00 AM - 10:00 AM                                       11:50 AM - 1:00 PM
                                                                 Lunch & Networking
        Keynote Address
        K eynote Address                                         Lunch &  Networking
        10:00 AM - 10:50 AM                                      1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
                                                                 I303: Understanding K-12 Technology
        I103: Sun Co
                                       rk: Wo
                                               rking the
        I103: Sun Corridor Network: Working the                  I303: Understanding K-12 Techno         lo gy
                             r Netwo
                 Edges                                                      Needs
        The Sun Corridor Network engages with different          What are your technology needs in education?
        communities to solve hard problems that sit at           In this session, the Office of Digital Teaching and
        the edges of the connectivity spectrum. We’ll dis-       Learning  (ODTL)  from  the  Arizona  Department
        cuss digital equity efforts in which we work with        of Education will facilitate conversations around
        community stakeholders, like school districts, to        technology for education. The ODTL works with a
        provide basic internet to students in their homes.       community of educators and solution experts to
        On  the  other  edge  of  the  spectrum,  we’ll  talk    promote efficiencies in the implementation of IT
        about advanced networking that enable amazing            solutions in K-12. Your input and feedback help
        research projects such as the James Webb Space           us understand the technology needs of Arizona
        Telescope project.                                       schools  and  facilitate  solutions  that  meet  your
        Speak  ers:
        Speakers: Gabriel Lopez - Sun Corridor &
                                                                 Speakers: Kelly Krusee & Phillip Seng - Arizona
        Albert Magallanez - Sunnyside Unified School             Speak ers:
        District                                                 Department of Education Teaching and
                                                                 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
                                                                 I403: Fundamentals o
                                                                 I403: Fundamentals of WiFi 6e.
                                                                                           f WiFi 6e.
                                                                 In  this  session,  we’ll  explore  the  fundamentals
                                                                 of the latest Wi-Fi standard, Wi-Fi 6e.  6e is fun-
                                                                 damentally different as it adds an entirely new
                                                                 spectrum, 6 GHz band.  We’ll walk through what
                                                                 this means and how it can positively impact the
                                                                 wireless experience of your faculty and students.
                                                                 This  session  will  focus  on  the  fundamentals  of

        11:00 AM - 11:50 AM                                      this new spectrum and be relevant regardless of
        I203: eSports Security - Keeping yo
        I203: eSports Security - Keeping your                    the wireless vendor your District prefers to lever-
                  Students Safe                                  age.
                        s Safe
        Dysart just completed its 3rd year of High School
                                                                 Speakers: Jerod Adkins & Remo Montalbano &
        eSports.  Dysart’s Network Operations Team is            Speak ers:
        here to discuss the implementation, support and          - Cisco Systems &
        security challenges as well as our solution to en-       Albert Magallanez - Sunnyside Unified School
        sure we stay CIPA compliant, while keeping the           District
        integrity of our security protocols in a manner
        that makes this endeavor a successful program
        that still prioritizes student safety.

        Speak  er:
        Speaker:  Alfonso  Vasquez  -  Dysart  Unified
        School District

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