Page 13 - 2023 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 13
Br e ak t Se ss i o n 1
Breakout Session 1
Thursday 10:45 AM - 11:35 AM
f Privacy
108: DPS Accident Procedures
ablishing a Culture o
106: Establishing a Culture of Privacy 108: DPS Accident Pro cedures
106: Est
Awareness DPS will review accident procedures, expecta-
Appropriate data stewardship is the responsibility tions and best practices. This will be a review of
of every school staff member; but who is respon- required reporting for School Bus Collisions and
sible for leading the effort? In this session, partic- Accidents. A review of what constitutes an inci-
ipants will learn how Dysart Schools collaborated dent.
to create a data governance committee with the
goal of improving both internal processes and Speaker: William Lunt - Arizona Department of
external perceptions of the use of student data. Public Safety
Come hear about our journey from the initial
formation of our committee to the current day
procedures that we have today. In our schools,
every staff member helps keep student data safe VENDOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
109: Make Your Marketing Money WORK!
creating a culture of awareness and responsibil- 109: Make Yo ur Market ing Mo ney WORK!
ity. Three time award-winning marketer Nicole Rodri-
guez returns to guide attendees through today’s
Speaker: Diana Hawari - Dysart Unified School best practices in connecting with public entities
District through creative marketing. While you may have
heard her speak on business development, data,
or branding in the past, this session is specifical-
ly going to teach attendees how to connect your
marketing matrix directly with key decision mak-
ers and inspire converting behaviors - like getting
lead roles in the public sector to CALL YOU, vis-
it your website, follow your social media, invite
you to bid and more. Switch your mindset briefly
from various traditional pursuits and learn about
ways to get your phone ringing off the hook from
PURCHASING interested schools instead.
107: Outso urcing Operat io ns
107: Outsourcing Operations
(Transpo rtatio n, Facilit ies and Fo o d Speak er:
(Transportation, Facilities and Food
Speaker: Nicole Rodriguez - John Delano
The panel will discuss their experiences and an-
swer questions about using outsourced services
for operations. Let us show you how to set the
navigation of avoiding potential potholes in the
road of outsourcing. Staffing, resources and wag-
es (Federal dollars, M&O, etc.) will all be included
for all of the services presented. You will have
a better understanding of which outcome would
be suited best for your District while staying in
Speakers: Elyse Orozco - Littleton Elementary
Speak ers:
School District & Robert Jacobson - Laveen
Elementary School District #59 & KC Brackley
- Apache Junction Unified School District
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