Page 18 - 2023 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 18

                        Br          e   ak                t Se           ss      i  o   n       4
                        Breakout Session 4

                           Thursday 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM

        ACCOUNTING                                              MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS
        401:   Jo in Us As We Race t    o Finish with           404: The Wo    nderful Wo   rld o f Smart Water
        401:  Join Us As We Race to Finish with
                                                                404: The Wonderful World of Smart Water
                Proper Accounting of Financing                           Irrigatio n Management
                                ing o
                                      f Financing
                  per Account
                                                                         Irrigation Management
                Transact io ns                                  Arizona is facing water shortage across the state.
        Do you feel like you are going round and round          The presenter will take you through an A to Z pro-
        trying to account for transactions outside of a tra-    cess to make your district efficient in your irriga-
        ditional bond issuance (including renewable ener-       tion procedures.
        gy projects) and can never get dry?! Backward,
        forward, outward, inward - bottom to the top -          Speakers: Robert Jacobson & Daniel Romero -
        never a beginning - there can never be a stop!          Laveen Elementary School District &
        Come and join the chase - we will cover account-        Doug Donahue - Ewing Irrigation
        ing for IRS rebate subsidies, dealing with escrow
        accounts and reporting on your AFR.
                                                                HUMAN RESOURCES & PAYROLL
                                                                405: I know there is something I should be
        Speakers: Jennifer Shields - Heinfeld Meech &
        Speak  ers:                                             405: I kno  w there is so   met hing I sho  uld be
                                                                         doing but I’m not quite sure what it is
        Ryan French - Littleton Elementary School                        do ing but  I’m no t quit e sure what  it is
                                                                         and when I should be doing it.
        District                                                         and when I sho  uld be do  ing it.
                                                                Join us to go over the items that should be re-
                                                                viewed  before,  during  and  after  payroll  is  pro-
        BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                 cessed.  Is the Payroll Department only involved
                    ugh the Loo
        402: Through the Looking Glass –                        in this since it is payroll after all?  I say no and
        402: Thro
                                  king Glass –
                 The Bond & Override Annual Cycle
                 The Bo nd & Override Annual Cycle              invite you to join us to learn the involvement from
        Ever felt bonkers when it comes to timing and           different departments that impact the processing
        what you need to know related to bond and over-         of payroll.
        rides? But we’ll tell you a secret. All the best peo-
                                                                Speakers:  Brenda  Long - Laveen  Elementary
        ple are. Hear from a County, District and Invest-       Speak  ers:
        ment Banker as they get curiouser and curiouser         School District & Jill Winn - Maricopa County
        discussing best practices, a calendar of events         Superintendent of Schools & Morgan O’Neal -
        and timing so you can find the bright side and be       Glendale Union High School District
        prepared for budgets, tax rate setting and con-
        tinuing disclosure.
                                                                INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                                406: Know where you are going with Cyber
        Speakers: Craig McKee - Mohave County
        Speak  ers:                                             406: Kno   w where yo    u are go ing with Cyber
                                                                        Security Policies and Procedures
        Superintendent of Schools & Tracy Rockwell -                    Security Po licies and Pro cedures
        Maricopa County Superintendent of Schools &             The journey to Cyber Security compliance can be
        Erika Coombs & Megan Burke - Piper Sandler              full of obstacles.  It is important to know the rules
        & Co                                                    so that we can be in compliance and be operation-
                                                                al ready.  By implementing Cyber Security policies
                                                                and procedures we can guide and learn together
                                                                so that we can have a successful journey.

                                                                Speaker:  Eddie Pallanes - Crane  Elementary
                                                                Speak  er:
                                                                School District

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