Page 19 - 2023 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 19
Br e ak t Se ss i o n 4
Breakout Session 4
Thursday 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM
407: To Bid or Not To Bid
407: To Bid o r No t To Bid 409: Eat the Fro g No t t he Cake
409: Eat the Frog Not the Cake
If there is “No Cost” to my School District, why do The frog sounds less enticing than the ‘Eat Me’
we need to do a procurement solicitation. Items cake that Alice ate, but unlike the cake, the frog
such as Vending Services, P-Card Services, Payroll doesn’t make you grow enormously. Alternatively,
Cards, Student Photography, Graduation Flowers, it encourages you to tackle your most enormous
Recycling Services, Food Trucks, etc. This break- task first. Mark Twain once said that if you eat
out session will provide best practices on making a live frog first thing each morning, you can go
the determination, and issuing procurement solic- through the day with the satisfaction of knowing
itations for materials and/or services where there that it is probably the worst thing that will happen
is “No Cost” to the District. to you all day. Albeit an interesting quote, it is
an analogy for first tackling your most significant
Speak ers: task of the day. In this session, we will dive deep-
Speakers: Lari Staples - Mohave Educational
Services Cooperative & Lila McCleery - Phoenix er into this concept. Sometimes the to-do list we
Union High School District & Jessica Leasure - have as vendors (or school officials) seem daunt-
Dysart Unified School District & Elyse Orozco - ing, and it can be easy to eat the cake and let our
Littleton Elementary School District to-do’s become enormous. Join us as we discuss
those struggles and why eating the frog might be
more appetizing than it sounds.
408: TSA Programs and Assistance Available Speakers: Taylor Perkins - Chasse Building Team
ur District
to your District & Lisa Folsom - Sunland Asphalt & Dale Ponder
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) - Crane Elementary School District
will present the various programs and training
that is available to School Districts in Arizona.
These programs include Security/Vulnerability
Assessments, Suspicious Activity/IED Training,
Active Shooter and many more. Transportation
Security Inspector, Scott Sweetalla, will discuss
how these opportunities can fit seamlessly into
your departments making your organization saf-
er, more secure and improve your overall safety
posture all for no cost.
Speaker: Scott Sweetalla - Transportation
Security Administration
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