Page 17 - 2023 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 17

Br         e   ak       ou        t Se           ss      i  o   n       3
                         Breakout Session 3

                          Thursday 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

        INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                  TRANSPORTATION
        306: Best Practices in Infrastructure                   308: S.B. 1630  & A.R.S. 15-925  Arizona Bill
                                                                308: S.B. 1630  & A.R.S. 15-925  Arizona Bill
        306: Best Practices in Infrastructure
                                                                                           ive Transpo
                 Security in a Zero  Trust  Enviro nment                Allowing Alternative Transportation
                 Security in a Zero Trust Environment
                                                                           wing Alternat
                                                                        Vehicles for Student Transportation
        Zero trust is a security model to help secure sys-              Vehicles fo r St udent Transpo  rt at io n
        tems and environments – the core principle is to        S.B. 1630 & A.R.S. 925 Buses and Authorized
        never trust and always verify.  When implement-         Drivers. Definitions of what 925 Buses and Ve-
        ing a Zero Trust framework for managing and             hicles are, Authorized uses of 925 buses and au-
        monitoring your infrastructure, what are the ar-        thorized drivers of 925 buses and vehicles
        eas to focus on.
                                                                Speaker: William Lunt - Arizona Department of
                                                                Speak  er:
        Speakers: John A. Stewart - Ricoh USA & Albert          Public Safety
        Magallanez - Sunnyside Unified School District
                                                                VENDOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                309: The Great Puzzle of Best Practices
                                                                309: The Great Puzzle of Best Practices
                                                                Like Alice, she views many things as a fun chal-
                                                                lenge,  calling  it  a  “great  puzzle”  to  figure  out.
                                                                Vendors, new and seasoned, are presented with
                                                                puzzle  pieces  that  can  be  challenging  to  fit  to-
                                                                gether at times. Getting started, learning the
                                                                rules, figuring out who to contact, customer ex-
                                                                periences, and navigating the curious world of
                                                                associations can be overwhelming but, nonethe-
                                                                less, a fun challenge. Join us and learn some of
                                                                the ins and outs of piecing together the puzzle.

                                                                Speak  ers:
                                                                Speakers:  Taylor  Perkins  - Chasse  Building
                                                                Team Joe Holcombe  - Chasse Building Team &
        PURCHASING                                              Jim Migliorino - Deer Valley Unified School
        307: To Quote or Not to Quote. Quoting with             District
        307: To
                           r No
                                t t
                      te o
                                                 ting wit
                                          e. Quo
                 Your Facilities Department
                            ies Department
                  ur Facilit
        This session will show that your Facilities Depart-
        ment may need to decide if they can suffice with
        a quote or do they have to go to the formal pro-
        curement process.  Can they simply get by using
        a cooperative contract.  This session will let you
        explore some various options.
        Speakers: Bill Munch - Valley Schools Manage-
        ment  Group  &  Gary  Barkman  -  Mesa  Unified
        School District & Julie Carson - Laveen
        Elementary School District #59

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