Page 14 - 2023 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 14

                        Br         e   ak                 t Se           ss      i  o   n       2
                        Breakout Session 2

                         Thursday 12:50 PM - 1:40 PM

        201: Cash Reco     nciliatio n: Managing
        201: Cash Reconciliation: Managing
                Thro ugh yo ur ERP Syst  em
                Through your ERP System
        Don’t let cash reconciliations take you down a
        never-ending rabbit hole.  Learn how to complete
        your reconciliations accurately and ensure your
        district is on the right track!

        Speakers: Dane Baxter - Glendale Union High
        Speak  ers:
        School  District &  Annette  Moreno  - Maricopa
        County School Superintendent’s Office

        202: Arizo   na Audito  r General’s Scho   o l
        202: Arizona Auditor General’s School
                District Spending Analysis
                District Spending Analysis
        Learn more about the Arizona Auditor General’s          MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS
                                                                                lution o
                                                                                         f District Standards
                                                                204: The Evo
        annual analysis and how your district and stake-        204: The Evolution of District Standards
        holders can use the information it provides.            Master Planning and District Standards should
                                                                not sit on a shelf collecting dust! These evolve
        Speakers: Scott Swagerty & Alexa Tavasci &              with changes in administration,  demographics
        Karl Calderon - Arizona Auditor General’s               and educational approach. However, when re-
        Office                                                  building schools or building new schools, how do
                                                                you implement change in a way that is equitable
                                                                to older schools? What are the best practices to
                                                                include stakeholders in making a change? Come
        LEADERSHIP                                              join us to hear how other districts are addressing
        203: So  rry, No  t  So rry: St o p Sho ulding          this evolution. Without a plan, you can’t get to
        203: Sorry, Not Sorry: Stop Shoulding
                 Yo urself!                                     where you want to go!
        Fill in the blanks: “I should ________. I should
        do more of ___________. I should stop                   Speak  ers:
                                                                Speakers: Tom Dunn - Chandler Unified School
        ___________. I shouldn’t have __________.”              District &  Jim  Lamb  &  David Schmidt  - DLR
        For many of us (and if not for you, certainly for       Group & Robert Jacobson - Laveen Elementary
        some of your team members!), there is a dam-            School District
        aging script that runs in the background, creat-
        ing obstacles to truly being our best selves and
        maximizing our success. We “should” all over
        ourselves, and it’s keeping us from what we want
        to achieve. This session delivers powerful insights
        around the guilt phenomenon while equipping at-
        tendees to break the negative cycle of doubt and
        guilt and to be more effective when encountering
        its negative effects on coworkers.

        Speaker: Nicole Lance - AASBO’s Keynote
        Speak  er:

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