Page 16 - 2023 Spring Attendee Brochure
P. 16

                         Br         e            ou        t Se           ss      i  o   n       3
                         Breakout Session 3

                          Thursday 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

        ACCOUNTING                                               MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS
                                                                 304: Usable Video
                                                                                       Surveillance in Schoo
        301:  Managing Your M&O Fund Revolving
        301:   Managing Yo    ur M&O Fund Revo      lving        304: Usable Video Surveillance in Schools
                  Bank Account
                  Bank Acco unt                                  Why do schools invest considerable amounts of
        Join this session to take a deep-dive on this spe-       money in surveillance systems only to find that
        cific bank account. Participants will learn what is      their expectations are not met? Our presentation
        the USFR guidance and what are the actual steps          will discuss why this can happen and ways to as-
        for a district. As well as how to adequately bond        sist schools to avoid poor quality video recordings
        the account custodian. What it means to operate          that do not help with any post incident investiga-
        on  an  imprest  basis.  Discuss  specific  scenarios    tion or enhance safety for students & faculty. This
        for when the account may and may not be used.            will not be manufacturer-centric format, but rath-
        Learn the cycle of how to record activity in the fi-     er  focus  on  security  principles  and  good  work-
        nancial system; from establishment, to disburse-         ing practices. To assist schools in making a more
        ments, to final replenishment and are there any          informed choice when considering video surveil-
        end of year tasks.  Don’t lose your head over this       lance.
        account!                                                 Outline:
                                                                 1.  When  you’ve invested  money but it  fails to
        Speakers: Kristen Conway  - Heinfeld Meech &
        Speak  ers:                                                 meet expectations.
        Brian Lockery - Kyrene School District &                 2.  Examples of how video hinders investigation
        Lynn Leonard - Mingus Union High School                  3.  Technology  choice,  design  &  important  con-
        District                                                    siderations for a new system or upgrade
                                                                 4.  Making video surveillance technology work for
                                                                    your school.

        BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                                  Speak ers:
                                                                 Speakers: Roy Sucanick - Wilson School District
        302: Renewable Energy Project? Let’s
        302: Renewable Energy Pro        ject ? Let ’s           & Andy McQueen & Tracy Castle  &
                Look at the 30% Direct IRS Subsidy
                Loo k at t he 30% Direct IRS Subsidy             Lyndee Villegas - ivelah
                From the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act
                Fro m t he 2022 Inflatio n Reductio  n Act
        School districts now have the option of owning
        their renewable energy projects and receiving a
        direct subsidy payment of 30% (and more) of the
        project cost from the IRS. Learn about subsidy           HUMAN RESOURCES & PAYROLL
        options and cost-benefits that can help your dis-        305: You don’t know, what you don’t know...
        trict save money.                                                Round 2
                                                                 Perhaps you heard the session at the Winter Con-
        Speak  ers:                                              ference, perhaps you didn’t.  Well, now it’s time
        Speakers:  Bryan  Lundberg  - Stifel &  Jeremy
        Calles - Tolleson Union High School District &           for us to show you step by step how to address
        James Giel - Gust Rosenfeld, PLC                         what you don’t know when it comes to employ-
                                                                 ee database management in School ERP Pro (Vi-
                                                                 sions).  As the Cheshire Cat said, “every adven-
                                                                 ture requires a first step”.

                                                                 Speak ers:
                                                                 Speakers: Tracy Rockwell - West-MEC &
                                                                 Jill Winn & Andie De La Rosa -  Maricopa County
                                                                 Superintendent of Schools

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