Page 5 - 2018 Winter Conference
P. 5
Breakout Session I
101: Are You Sure You Want Access 102: The Staffing Decision -
Independent Contractor or
Are you REALLY sure you want access? How Employee
do we figure out who should have access to
what, when, where, and why? This session will
provide a diverse approach and knowl edge In addition to hiring traditional employees,
to answer the “W’s” and how to de termine, school districts often meet their organiza-
provide, and re-assess district em ployees with tion’s staffing need through a variety of al-
network access to ensure the applications nec- ternative arrangements. Perhaps the most
essary for them to do their job while serving basic question about the employment rela-
the students, community members, and fel- tionship is whether a worker is, in fact, an
low employees of their district. When do em- employee or an independent contractor.
ployees get ac cess to applications? When does As with so many employment issues, the
that access get removed? This discussion will answer is, “It depends.” This session will
include a Technology Director, External Audi- review the federal and state laws related to
tor, and County Service Agency employee as hiring independent contractors and a dis-
they provide insight on managing technology tricts perspective on the decision tree used
access on a daily basis.
when determining if someone is an inde-
pendent contractor or an employee.
Presented By: Tracy McLaughlin - Mari-
copa County Education Service Agency Presented By: Karin Smith - Heinfeld
Kristen Conway Heinfeld Meech & Co. Meech & Co. & Heather Mock - Deer
- & David Sanders - Mesa Public Schools Valley Unified School District
103: Audit Results and How to Fix 104: Transaction Privilege Tax and Use
Deficiencies Tax Reporting Requirements
The auditors reported an audit finding or Providing a better understanding of taxa-
noncompliance deficiency in the most re- tion in Arizona. Attendees will learn the re-
cent audit. Now what? This session will porting requirements for TPT and Use Tax.
cover some of the most common deficien-
cies noted in recent audits and provide
best practices on how to successfully rem- Presented By: Audrey McGhee - Arizo-
edy the issues to prevent them from occur- na Department of Revenue
ring again.
Presented By: Jennifer Shields - Heinfeld
Meech & Co.
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