Page 6 - 2018 Winter Conference
P. 6
Breakout Session I I
201: Bond and Override Elections - 202: REQ to WRECK Part 1 -
What do I have to do? The purchasing phase
While the public phase of a school district elec- Understanding the procurement rules can be
tion starts when the Governing Board votes confusing. Even more baffling can be the var-
to call for the election, there is often much ious vendor maintenance needs. Who needs
education, research and planning that takes to approve what purchases? Does technol-
place before the Governing Board is ready ogy need to approve all technology related
to consider an Election Resolution. Once the purchases? How about curriculum? How
election is called, the fun continues – and you do federal project purchases get approved?
should plan to share the joy! Timing and de- This session will review both the compliance
tail are key to proper execution of a school related requirements of purchasing and best
district election. This session will review the practice procedures for maintaining vendor
steps it takes to get from Election Pre-Planning data and properly routing the requisition for
to Governing Board Election Resolution to approval.
November Election Day; share a few strategic
tips for capital facilities assessments and voter
pamphlet preparation; and discuss the various Presented By: Karin Smith - Heinfeld
outside professionals available to assist with Meech & Co., Kim Aringdale - Flagstaff
the process. Unified School District & Bobby Wil-
liams - Buckeye Elementary School Dis-
Presented By: Randie Stein - Stifel, Nico- trict
laus & Company
204: Grants Management Reimagined
203: Understanding the Accounting This presentation will focus on the essen-
Responsibility Program (ARP) tial components of Grants Management
and give a comprehensive overview of the
For many years ARS 15-914.01 has allowed Arizona Department of Education grants
districts to apply to become ARP districts, process. Specifically, best fiscal practices,
but how do districts apply and what does the Grants Management Enterprise (GME)
it mean to be an ARP district. Come learn System and Arizona Department of Edu-
more about the application and review cation’s Grants Management department.
process and hear some ARP districts share This presentation will be vital for anyone
their experiences. who works with the GME system and/or
provides fiscal support to their entity.
Presented By: Cris Cable - Auditor Gen-
eral’s Office, Shari Zara - AZ Depart- Presented By: Sarah Hendrix Katarina
ment of Education & ARP District Rep- Pena & Christy Ellison - Arizona Depart-
resentatives ment of Education
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