Page 8 - 2018 Winter Conference
P. 8
Breakout Session I V
401: Cash v. Levy – Will Cash Coming 402: REQ to WRECK Part 3 - The Life
in be Enough? Cycle of District Property
Recent changes to the tax rate calculation District goods and services have been pro-
may have some not-so-obvious impact cured as applicable, ordered, receipted in,
on Districts. Come to this session to dis- and paid for, so what should be happening
cuss possible impact to Districts and their next? This session will discuss the compli-
taxpayers, both now and later. We will ance requirements related to the tagging and
discuss reconciling cash to your spending tracking of district property, execution of
limit, to show what portions of your limit physical inventories, reconciliation of capital
are funded, and how cash may go unused. expenditures to asset additions, disposal of
district property and records retention. Fel-
low school business officials will share best
Presented By: Melissa Higdon - Fore- practices in executing these important func-
cast5 Analytics, Inc. & Nate Bowler - tions at your school district.
Buckeye Elementary School District
Presented By: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld Meech
& Co., Nicolas Beasley - Flagstaff Unified
School District & Charlotte Gates - Sa-
huarita Unified School District
404: Advanced ADM Reports
Master AzEDS ADM reports by learning how to
403: Got Cash? Get Control! dissect the ADM15 and understand the function
of the ADM columns that generate payment.
Discover how and when the data populates to
It can be a challenge for district office per- the ADMS46-1 report from the student detail re-
sonnel to know all of the ways that cash is ports in AzEDS. Gain an understanding of how
being collected at the school sites. We will the payment of state aid is fed by ADM and data
share some ideas on how you can deter- processing in AzEDS.
mine who is collecting cash for what activi-
ties and events and how you can help en-
sure they have good procedures and cash Presented By: Sabah Hussain, Kristin
controls. Bumford, Lyle Friesen, Monica Paz - Ari-
zona Department of Education
Presented By: Megan Smith & Chris Vo-
troubek - Auditor General’s Office
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