Page 7 - 2018 Winter Conference
P. 7
Breakout Session I I I
301: Current Year Funding: Strategies 302: REQ to WRECK Part 2 - The
for addressing the challenges Receiving and Payment Phase
and impact current year funding
has on your budget and District goods and services have been pro-
revisions to it. cured as applicable and ordered, so what
should be happening next? This session
will discuss the compliance requirements
Beginning this year, school districts across
Arizona are required to fully implement related to review of goods and packing
current year funding. With this comes the slips upon receipt, payment authorization
many new challenges and issues that dis- and processing, subsequent vendor com-
tricts have not had to deal with in past. munications and records retention. Fellow
In this session, participants with hear from school business officials will share best prac-
a panel of school district leaders, who will tices in executing these important functions
be discussing the impact on their budgets, at your school district.
necessary revisions, and the strategies they
are using to meet these challenges. Presented By: Sara Kirk - Heinfeld Meech
& Co., Ginger Wischmann - Flagstaff
Presented By: Brian Mee - Forecast5 An- Unified School District, Dinene Remigio
alytics, Inc. & A Panel of School District - Sahuarita Unified School District
303: ADE Program Compliance/ 304: State Aide Overview
This introductory session will review the
AzEDS process and how integrity of stu-
This session will cover the risk assessment
process that determines which district is dent data directly impacts LEA payments.
chosen, why, and how to prepare. We will navigate through AzEDS student
detailed reports, define common terms,
briefly discuss common reconciliation prac-
Presented By: Adriana Jenkins - ADE tices and how frequently you should rec-
Federal Monitoring Director & Kristen oncile your reports as well as highlight ADE
Heck ADE Processing Director School Finance resources available to LEAs.
Presented By: Monica Paz & Kristin Bum-
ford - Arizona Department of Education
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