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P. 437

Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

               2. STHCSA

                     STHCSA  is  an  important  component  of  Spatio-temporal  analysis  since  location  and  time  are  two  critical
               aspects  of  important  events  such  as  the  Coronavirus  epidemic.  The  outputs  of  such  analyses  can  provide  useful
               information to guide the activities aimed at preventing, detecting, and responding to pandemic problems [12]. There
               are various methods for Spatio-temporal analysis. In this study, Mann-Kendall statistics were used to detect trend
               data and Getis-Ord Gi* statistic was used to identify hot/cold spots.
                     Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) is a file format to store multi-dimensional scientific data such as
               temperature, humidity, disease, and crime. The netCDF cube is generated using the COVID-19 x, y, and time data as

               x, y, and z-axis. Summarizes a collection of points into a netCDF by aggregating them into space-time bins. The
               Mann-Kendall p-value and z-scores measuring the statistical significance of the trend in a hot spot (spatial clusters
               of high values) or cold spot (spatial clusters of low values) at a location. A positive and negative z-score indicates an
               upward and downward trend respectively [9].
                     Then  the  pattern  in  the  spatial-temporal  data  was  identified  with  Getis-Ord  Gi*  statistic  based  on
               neighborhood distance and neighborhood time step parameter. The Getis-Ord Gi* statistic was calculated for each

               bin as follows [13, 14]:
                  =    =1                                                        (1)
                  = √    =1      −                                              (2)
                     ∑                   −  ̅ ∑            
                  =                                                (3)
                         ∑        −(∑        ) 2
                     √    =1          =1      
                     Where xj is the value of feature x at location j, n is the number of data and wij are the elements of the weight
                     The     is recorded as a z-score for each  variable in the dataset. The  more intense the clustering of  high
               values or hot spot is statistically for the larger positive z-scores. The more intense the clustering of low values or
               cold spot is statistically for smaller negative z-scores. Based on p-value and z-scores of this statistic, 17 pattern types
               include  No  Pattern  Detected,  New  Hot  Spot,  Consecutive  Hot  Spot,  Intensifying  Hot  Spot,  Persistent  Hot  Spot,
               Diminishing Hot Spot, Sporadic Hot Spot, Oscillating Hot Spot, Historical Hot Spot, New Cold Spot, Consecutive
               Cold Spot, Intensifying Cold Spot, Persistent Cold Spot, Diminishing Cold Spot, Sporadic Cold Spot, Oscillating
               Cold Spot and Historical Cold Spot were extracted [9].
               3. Results
                     According to the WHO reports, data on COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths were collected until March
               21. The spatiotemporal cube was created for the global map of the world with the deaths and cases reported every

               day. The pixel size was 200,000 meters, and the Behrmann was selected for the projected coordinate system. first, a
               hot/clod spot map based on the Getis-Ord Gi * statistic was prepared for COVID-19 cases and deaths. Based on the
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