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Modern Geomatics Technologies and Applications

               1.       Martinez, J.M.; Toan, T.L. Mapping of flood dynamics and spatial distribution of vegetation in the amazon
               floodplain using multitemporal sar data. Remote Sens. Environ. 2112, 118, 214–223.
               2.       Landuyt, L.; Van Wesemael, A.; Schumann, G.J.P.; Hostache, R.; Verhoest, N.E.C.; Van Coillie, F.M.B. Flood

               based on synthetic aperture radar: An assessment of established approaches. IEEE Trans. Geosci
               3.       Dumitru, C.O.; Cui, S.; Faur, D.; Datcu, M. Data analytics for rapid mapping: Case study of a flooding event
               in germany and the tsunami in japan using very high resolution sar images. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs.
               Remote Sens. 2115, 8, 119–124.
               3.       Klemas, V. Remote sensing of floods and flood-prone areas: An overview. J. Coast. Res. 2115, 31, 1115–

               5.       B.  Brisco,A.  Schmitt,K.  Murnaghan  ,S.  Kaya  &A.  Roth  SAR  polarimetric  change  detection  for  flooded
          vegetation ,
               Received 21 Feb 2111, Accepted 26 Jul 2111, Published online: 21 Sep 21:
               6.       Pricope, N.G. Variable-source flood pulsing in a semi-arid transboundary watershed: The chobe river,
               botswana and namibia. Environ. Monit. Assess. 2113, 185, 1883–1416.

               7.       Siddharth  Saksen  aVenkatesh  Merwade  in  Incorporating  the  effect  of  DEM  resolution  and  accuracy  for
          improved flood
               inundation mapping . November 2115
               8.       Kazi RifatAhmed1SimuAkter2, Analysis of landcover change in southwest Bengal delta due to floods by
          NDVI, NDWI
               and K-means cluster with landsat multi-spectral surface reflectance satellite data , Volume 8, November 2112, Pages

               9.       Kun Yan ; Giuliano Di Baldassarre ; Dimitri P. Solomatine. Exploring the potential of SRTM topographic data
          for flood
               inundation modelling under uncertainty. Journal of Hydroinformatics (2113) 15 (3): 894–861.
               11. Sai Kiran Kuntla & Panchagnula Manjusree, Development of an Automated Tool for Delineation of Flood Footprints
               from SAR Imagery for Rapid Disaster Response: A Case Study, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing volume

               98, pages435–499(2121)
               11 . Federico Filipponi, Sentinel-1 GRD Preprocessing Workflow, Remote Sensing, 22 May–5 June 2114.
               12. Landsat-8: Science and product vision for terrestrial global change research, Volume 195, 5 April 2119, Pages 159-
               13. Emre Özelkan, Water Body Detection Analysis Using NDWI Indices Derived from Landsat-8 OLI ,2121 vol. 24.
               13. Zhaofei Liu, Zhijun Yao & Rui Wang . Assessing methods of identifying open water bodies using Landsat 8 OLI
               imagery, Published: 11 May 2116.

               15. IsmailElkhrachy, Vertical accuracy assessment for SRTM and ASTER Digital Elevation Models: A case study of

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