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3.6 Data Analysis Techniques
3.6.1 Kevalidan Analysis
Data analysis obtained from validators is descriptive in the form of criticisms,
suggestions, and responses. Learning device validation scoring is used likert scale
with a score range of 1-4. The data used in the validation of this learning device is
quantitative data that uses four levels of research with likert scale criteria presented
in table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Likert scale score criteria
Valuation Score/Score
Very Valid 86-100
Valid 71-85
Valid Enough 56-70
Less Valid 41-55
Invalid ≤ 40
Source: Yazid, 2016
The data obtained in the analysis using the validation formula is as follows:
Validation of teaching materials = 100%
The results of the analysis of the study sheet from this study are used to
determine the feasibility of teaching materials based on the applicable curriculum
3.6.2 Practicality Analysis
a. Learning Implementation Analysis
The implementation of learning is obtained using observation. This
observation is made by a mixerat who observes the course of learning.
The data obtained is analyzed using formulas