P. 23


                           This stage aims to make an initial design for the preparation of flipbook type e-

                        modules  based  on  stunting  case  studies.  The  initial  design  was  prepared  by

                        formulating achievement  indicators based on the 2013 curriculum, establishing materials,

                        systematics of digestive system materials and compiling  e-modules based on stunting case

                        studies equipped with materials,  student worksheets,  questions / quizzes and games.
                        At the beginning of this design, the materials and questions presented are compiled

                        based on stunting case studies quoted from various sources in accordance with the

                        basic competencies to be achieved. At this stage produced the initial design of e-
                        modules of digestive system materials.

                        3.  Development Stage  (Development)

                           In the previous stage, a conceptual framework for the application of new products

                        has been drawn up. The framework that is still conceptual is further realized into a
                        product that is ready to be applied. At this stage it is also necessary to make instrumen

                        to measure product performance.

                           The e-module produced at the design stage will be darf I. Next, draft I will be

                        reviewed by the validator. The results of the study are in the form of suggestions and
                        inputs. Suggestions and inputs from validators are used to revise e-modules to make

                        them more perfect. The results of this study are referred to as draft 2.

                        4.  Implementation Stage (Implementation)

                           At the implementation stage, implementation is carried out with a limited-scale
                        trial on the school selected as the research place. The revised  teaching materials were

                        then tested  to class XI  students  at Sma Negeri 1 Kabila which numbered 30 people

                        to see the practicality and effectiveness of  the teaching  materials used.  At  this stage

                        of implementation, initially there will be  a pretest  to  students,  so that learning is
                        carried out in the classroom and  posttest is carried out at  the final meeting.  learning

                        activities  to see the improvement of mastery of student concepts.

                        5.  Evaluation Stage (Evaluation)
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