P. 19


                        e)  Food substances that affect stunting

                           Food substances can be grouped according to the amount needed by living things,
                        namely macro food substances and micro food substances. Macro food substances,

                        which  are  food  substances  that  the  body  needs  in  large  quantities,  including

                        carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and water.

                           Lack of protein intake for pregnant women is a very significant risk factor for the

                        occurrence of stunting children at the age of 12 months, which reaches 1.6 times
                        compared to mothers who meet their protein intake (Pristya, 2021). Sufficient protein

                        is needed in the  process of division, growth and development of nerve cells.  If protein

                        intake in  pregnant women is under 24 weeks less, it will cause the  number of cells to

                        decrease.  While lack of protein  intake at  the end of pregnancy can cause the size of
                        nerve  cells to shrink, and if there is a large amount of deficiency, it  can reduce brain

                        weight.  25% (Achadi, et al., 2020).  The quality and quantity of good protein intake

                        affect  Insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which is a mediator for growth hormone and

                        bone matrix formation (Aritonang et al. , 2020). Therefore, lack of protein during
                        pregnancy canincrease the risk of  stunting in children born.

                           Micro food substances, which are food substances that the body needs in small

                        amounts, including vitamins and minerals.  Mineral function for the body antara lain
                        bahan form various body tissues, such as bones, teeth, hair, nails, skin and red blood

                        cells.  Examples of minerals  include calcium, magnesium, zinc,  iron, and  many others.

                           Mothers  who  have  a  history  of  iron  deficiency  during  pregnancy,  then  their

                        children have a 4 times higher risk of stunting compared to mothers who do not have
                        a history of iron deficiency during pregnancy (Widyaningrum & Romadhoni, 2018).

                           Iron deficiency is one of the causes of anemia, where the condition of red blood

                        cells or hemoglobin is less than normal whose function is to carry oxygen throughout

                        the body's tissues. The placenta becomes not fully developed which has an impact on
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