P. 14
e. Friendly /Familiar (User Friendly)
Modules should also meet the rules of user friendly or friendly / familiar with the
wearer. Every instruction and exposure to information that appears is helpful and
friendly to the wearer, including the ease of the user in responding and accessing as
desired. The use of language that is simple, easy to understand, and uses commonly
used terms, is one form of user friendly.
2.1.3 Characteristics of Digestive System Material
The human body has cells that need nutrients such as proteins, fats, minerals,
vitamins, water and carbohydrates (Azizah, 2021). To digest food, humans have food-
digesting organs. All food digesting organs form a system that cannot be separated
from each other (Khamim, 2019). The functions of digestive istem (ranging from the
mouth to the anus) include breaking down food into nutrients (a process called
digestion) and absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream.
Vigilance and knowledge are needed to avoid diseases or disorders that will
threaten, such as paying attention to the cleanliness of food and drinks that we will
consume and consume nutritious food. One of the disorders and disorders of the
digestive system is malnutrition. Malnutrition is a condition caused by an imbalance
between food intake and nutritional needs.
Stunting is one of the malnutrition conditions associated with past nutritional
insufficiency so that it is included in chronic nutritional problems. Stunting is
measured as nutritional status by paying attention to the height or length of the body,
lifespan, and gender of the toddler. Stunting is one of the focuses on nutrition
improvement targets in the world until 2025 (Sutarto, 2018).