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theoretical reasons and (b) the product developed has internal consistency
(Hasmawaty, 2020).
b) Practicality
A product is said to be practical if it can be used by teachers and students under normal
conditions, this is indicated by a positive response to teaching materials from both
teachers and students (Mustami, 2019). The purpose of the practicality test is to test
whether the product developed in its use by the user is practical and easy.
c) Effectiveness
A teaching material is said to be effective if 80% of students who have participated
in the learning process can get a score that reaches the criteria for minimal
completion (Mustami, 2019). The effectiveness of daopat is interpreted as treatment
in the learning process that affects the success of n or effort on student learning
outcomes (Anshori, 2019).
2.1.2 E-Module
a) Definition
Modules are one form of teaching materials that are packaged completely and
systematically, in which they contain a set of planned learning experiences designed
to help students master specific learning goals (Daryanto, 2013).
An e-module is an electronic version of a printed module that can be read on a
computer and designed with the necessary software. E-modules are learning tools or
means that contain materials, methods, limitations and ways of evaluating that are
systematically and attractively designed to achieve the expected competencies in
accordance with their level of complexity electronically. The E-Module is equipped
with relevant text, images, videos, evaluations and references so that learners can use
them independently (Ruganda, 2021). The minimum module contains learning
objectives, learning materials/substance, and evaluation.