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                        of observations and interviews at  Sma Negeri 1 Kabila school, the learning carried out

                        on digestive system materials only uses the media of student worksheets  and printed

                        books. In addition, the teaching  materials used are  still very limited, especially those
                        that discuss nutritional education approaches  as an effort to prevent stunting.

                           Teachers as facilitators must be able to develop teaching  materials used in order
                        to  support the learning goals to be achieved and learners  do not feel saturated in the

                        learning process. One type of teaching  material that can be developed by teachers as

                        a    medium  of  nutrition  education    is  the  learning  module.    Limited  time  in  the
                        classroom can be met with a learning  process carried out independently  by each

                        learner with the help of learning modules that have been designed accordingly.   with

                        learning  objectives  (Puspita,  2019).  One  of      the  purposes  of  the  preparation  of

                        modules is to  provide   teaching  materials that are in accordance with curriculum
                        guidance by considering the  needs of students, namely teaching  materials that are

                        independently  for achieve the expected competence.

                           Along  with  the    development  of  existing    technology,    print  modules  can  be

                        converted into electronic modules, namely teaching  materials that are presented in a
                        spoken, structured, and interactive manner in a format.   Electronic in the form of

                        writing, pictures,   moving images, sounds and instructions so that it makes it easier

                        for  users to learn independently  to achieve learning goals according to  their wishes.

                        Electronic modules  (E-Modules) become one of  the  practical options as a learning
                        medium    because  they    can  be  opened  using  smartphones  or  computers  so  that

                        students can learn it anywhere.  Without limited time and place. This is  in line with

                        the opinion of Wijaya et al.  (2022) which states that the   advantages of e-modules

                        can be seen in the aspect of flexibility that allows the use of e-modules at  unspecified
                        conditions and times.

                           Media or means are needed in the  development of interactive e-modules in order

                        to produce good and interesting modules. One medium that can be used is flipbook.
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