P. 4
1.1 Background
The demands of the 2013 curriculum require educators to use a student centered
approach that is active and learner-centered learning. Case study-based learning is
one of the student centered learning models that utilizes real cases to be presented
in classroom learning and aims to Students are able to relate problems that occur in
real life with the concepts learned (Amaliah & Sunarti, 2019). One of the cases that
can be presented in case-based learning is a disorder or disease of the digestive
system such as malnutrition. Currently the highest case of malnutrition in the world
is stunting (UNICEF Data, 2021). Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in children
under five caused by chronic malnutrition so that the child is too short for his age
(Wati et al., 2021).
Stunting countermeasures are not only the responsibility of the government, but
also various parties including the field of education. In the field of education, efforts
that can be done are by conducting nutrition education to school-age adolescents.
School as one of the educational institutions can be the right means to educate
students, especially students in their teens. improve students' understanding and
ability to live healthy and choose nutritious foods through innovative and interactive
nutritional education approaches as an effort to prevent stunting through specific
nutritional interventions. Adolescents are a group that has a big share in producing
offspring in the future. With education about the concept of adolescents, it is
expected to become parents who have healthy and anti-stunting offspring. This is in
line with the opinion of Rusilanti & Riska (2021) which states that education or
nutrition education for adolescents is expected to contribute to the awareness of