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                        This medium has the advantage of being able to insert image files, videos, animations,

                        and  has  a  template  design,  features  such  as  backgrounds,  control  buttons,  bar

                        navigation, hyperlinks and backsounds so that the flipbook is made more attractive.

                        According to Wijaya et al., (2021)  the  effect of flipbook  animation when changing
                        pages can make learners read by feeling like opening a book physically.

                            Nutrition  education  using  a  flipbook    type  e-module  based  on  stunting    case

                        studies contains rmasi info  on stunting  problems,  food substances needed by  the

                        body,  balanced food menu    as well as how to maintain   self-health that is integrated
                        into  the basic competencies taught in schools so that they  can increase nutritional

                        knowledge in adolescents. This is  in line with the   opinion of Kasjono & Suryani (2020)

                        which states that one way to break the  chain of  stunting is the sharpening of clean
                        and healthy living behaviors and  consumption.  Balanced nutrition  in adolescent girls.

                           Based on   the   background of the above problems, it is necessary to conduct
                        research with the  title "Development of E-Module Flipbook Type Based on Case

                        Study  (Case Study) Stunting to Improve Mastery of Learner Concepts in Digestive

                        System Materials".

                        1.2  Identify Problems

                           Based on the background above, the problem can be identified as follows:
                           1.  The need to increase the  knowledge of learners in  adolescence regarding

                               stunting problems

                           2.  Teaching materials used in  digestive system materials, especially in submatter
                               of food substances, no  one  has discussed the problem of stunting.

                           3.  The use of  case study methods has not been widely applied

                        1.3 Problem Formulation
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