P. 12
Module writing aims to beclear and facilitate the presentation of messages so as
not to be too verbal, mengatasi limited time, space, and sensory power, both students
or training participants and teachers / instructors, dapat used appropriately and
varied, such as, mincrease motivation and passion learning for students or training
participants, m develop the ability of learners in interacting directly with the
environment and other learning resources, allow students or participants of self-study
training according to their abilities and interests and allow students or training
participants to be able to measure or evaluate their own learning outcomes.
b) Module Characteristics
To produce modules that are able to increase learning motivation, module
development must pay attention to the characteristics needed as modules, namely:
a) Self instructional, b) Self Contained, c) Stand alone (stand alone), d) Adaptive and
e) User friendly.
a. Self Instruction
Is an important characteristic in the module, with the character allowing a person
to learn independently and independently of the other party. To meet the character
of self instruction, the module must:
1) Contains clear learning objectives, and can describe the achievement of
Competency Standards and Basic Competencies.
2) Contains learning materials packaged in small / specific activity units, making
it easier to learn completely;
3) Examples and illustrations are available that support the clarity of exposure to
learning materials;
4) There are questions of exercises, tasks and the like that make it possible to
measure the mastery of learners;
5) Contextual, that is, the material presented is related to the atmosphere, tasks
or context of activities and the environment of learners;