P. 16


                           Stunting that has occurred if not balanced with catch-up growth (growing chase)

                        results in decreased growth. Stunting is a public health problem associated with an

                        increased risk of pain, death, and barriers to growth both motor and mental. Supriatin

                        et  al.,  (2020)  states  that  developmental  delay  disorder  is  characterized  by  slow

                        nervous    maturity,  slow  motoric  movement,  lack  of  intelligence  and  slow  social
                        response.  The generation that grows up with  less cognition and intellectual abilities

                        will be more difficult to master  science and technology caused by weak analytical

                        b)  Factor

                           Nutrients obtained since the baby is born certainly very influential on its growth

                        including  the  risk  of  stunting.  The  non-implementation  of  early  breastfeeding

                        initiation (IMD), the failure of exclusive breast milk administration, and the process of
                        early  weaning  can  be  one  of  the  factors  for  stunting.  Meanwhile,  in  terms  of

                        breastfeeding companion feeding (MP ASI) things that need to be considered are the

                        quantity, quality, and safety of food provided.

                           Socio-economic conditions and sanitation of residences are also associated with
                        stunting. Economic conditions are closely related to the ability to meet nutritious

                        intake and health services for pregnant women and toddlers. While sanitation and

                        food safety can increase the risk  of infectious diseases (Aprihatin, 2020).

                           Infectious  diseases  caused  by  hygiene  and  poor  sanitation  (e.g.  diarrhea  and
                        distress) can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the digestive process. Some

                        infectious diseases suffered by babies can cause the baby's weight to drop. If this

                        condition occurs for a long time and is not accompanied by adequate intake for the

                        healing process, it can lead to stunting.  A person with an infection will become worse
                        if  there  is  a  lack  of  nutritional  intake.  Toddlers  with  malnutrition  will  be  more

                        susceptible to infection (Anmaru, 2019).
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