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                        abnormalities in the structure of the placenta and lower weight. This results in the

                        fetus experiencing growth and development barriers while in the womb. Pregnant

                        women who have anemia are at risk of stunted fetal growth / PJT / IUGR, premature,

                        BBLR, and low fe deposits in babies born so that they are at risk of anemia at the age

                        of 6 months (Achadi, et al., 2020). Therefore, pregnant women who have anemia
                        increase  the  risk  for  giving  birth  to  children  with  short  birth  lengths  or  stunting

                        (Widyaningrum & Romadhoni, 2018).

                           Iron deficiency that occurs in children willcause a decrease in immunity so that it
                        has a greater risk of developing diseases, especially infectious diseases. The presence

                        of infectious diseases and anorexia will inhibit linear growth because it decreases food

                        intake, interferes with absorption of nutrients, and causes loss of nutrients (Zogara et
                        al., 2020).

                           Zinc in addition to playing a role in the growth process plays a role in development,

                        zinc plays a role in the preparation and migration of neurons (nerve cells) along with

                        the  formation  of  neuronal  synapses.    Zinc  will  release  aminobutyric  acid

                        neurotransmitters  that  will  affect  nerve  stimulation.  Aminobutyric  acid
                        neurotransmitters have a role in the growth and differentiation of nerve cells. Zinc

                        deficiency    can  interfere  with  the  formation  of  neural  pathways  and

                        neurotransmission,  so  it  will  indirectly  affect  developments  such  as  cognitive

                        development,  gross  and  fine  motor  development  and  social  development
                        (Septiawahyuni, 2019).   According to Zogara (2020) zinc deficiency will inhibit the

                        work of growth hormone.

                           Vitamin A deficiency leads to a higher risk of mortality, morbidity, and infectious

                        diseases in children. Lack of vitamin A intake can be associated with stunted growth
                        because lack of vitamin A can reduce secretion of serum IGF-1 which plays a role in

                        growth hormone secretion (Aritonang, et al., 2020).
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