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                        c)  Impact

                           The  impact  of  stunting  can  be  divided  into  short-term  and  long-term  impacts

                        (Health Data and Information Center, 2018).
                        1.  Short-Term Impact.

                           a.  Increased incidence of pain and death;

                           b.  Cognitive, motor, and verbal development in children is not optimal; and

                           c.  Increased health costs.

                        2.  Long-Term Impact.
                           a.  Non-optimal posture as an adult (shorter than in general);

                           b.  Increased risk of obesity and other diseases;

                           c.  Decreased reproductive health;

                           d.  Learning  capacity  and  performance  that  is  not  optimal  during  the  school
                               period; and

                           e.  Productivity and non-optimal working capacity

                        d)  Prevention Efforts

                           Stunting is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets included in
                        the 2nd sustainable development goal, namely eliminating hunger and all forms of

                        malnutrition by 2030 and achieving food security. The target is to reduce stunting by

                        40% by 2025.

                           To make this happen, the government set stunting as one of the priority programs.
                        Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 39 of 2016 concerning

                        Guidelines for the Implementation of the Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family

                        Approach, efforts made to reduce the prevalence of stunting include the following:

                        1.  Pregnant and Maternity Women
                           a.  Intervention in the first 1,000 days of life;

                           b. Strive for integrated ante natal care (ANC) quality assurance;

                           c.  Improve labor in health facilities;
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