P. 15
2.1.4 Stunting
a) Definition
Stunting (stunting) is a condition in which toddlers have a length or height that is
less when compared to age. This condition is measured by a length or height that is
more than minus two standard deviations of the median standard of child growth
from WHO. Toddler stunting includes chronic nutritional problems caused by many
factors such as socioeconomic conditions, maternal nutrition during pregnancy, pain
in babies, and lack of nutritional intake in infants. Stunting toddlers in the future will
have difficulty in achievingoptimal physical and cognitive development. The impact of
stunting can last a lifetime and can affect the next generation.
Malnutrition occurs since the baby is in the womb and in the early days after the
baby is born, however, the condition of stunting is only seen after the baby is 2 years
old. Short (stunted) and very short (severely stunted) toddlers are toddlers with body
length (PB / U) or height (TB / U) according to their age compared to the standard
WHO-MGRS (Multicentre Growth Reference Study, 2006). While the definition of
stunting according to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) is a toddler with a z-score of
less than -2SD / standard deviation (stunted) and less than – 3SD (severely stunted).
(National Team for The Acceleration of Poverty Reduction of the Vice President
Secretariat, 2017).
In 2018, the stunting rate in Indonesia reached 30.8%.. While in 2019 it fell to
27.7%, then in 2021 it fell again to 24.4% (SSGI, 2021). Toddlers / clowns (infants
under the age of two years) who experience stunting will have a level of intelligence
is not optimal, making children more susceptible to disease and in the future can be
at risk of decreased levels of productivity. In the end, broadly stunting will be able to
inhibit economic growth, increase poverty, and widen inequality (National Team for
Accelerating Poverty Reduction of the Vice President Secretariat, 2017).