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                           The last stage is to evaluate (evaluation) in the form of formative and summative
                        evaluations.   The evaluation that occurs at each of the four stages above is called a

                        formative  evaluation,  because  its  purpose  is  for  revision  needs.    Summative

                        evaluation    is  carried out  at  the  end  of  the  program to  find  out  its  effect  on  the

                        mastery of student concepts.   Summative evaluation  is carried out by  providing a
                        posttest to find out the understanding of learners' concepts  on  digestive  system

                        materials after using a flipbook   type e-module based on case  studies. .

                           Here is the ADDIE development model  presented in figure 3.1

                                         Figure 3.1 ADDIE Development Model  (Branch, 2009).

                        3.4 Research Design

                           This research design uses pre-experimental design One Group Pretest and Posttest

                        design. Before the learning activity is carried out first the sample is given a Pretest

                        (initial test) and the end of learning is given a posttest (final test) so that the results
                        can be known more accurately, because it can compare the circumstances before

                        being  treated  and  after  being  treated.  The  research  was  conducted  on  an

                        experimental class that was sampled in the study without a comparison class. In the

                        design of one-group pretest-postttest single sample group given pretest / initial (O1)
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