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                        data.  Validation activities  are carried out by  asking for the assessment and input of

                        experts who act as validators.

                             2.  Practicality

                             a)  Learning  implementation  observation sheet

                             The  learning  implementation  observation  sheet    is  used  to  determine  the

                        implementation of learning using a flipbook type e-module based on stunting case

                        studies.  This implementation sheet  is organized based on the observed aspects by
                        answering  "YES" and "NO".

                             b)   Student activity observation sheet

                             Student  activity  sheets    are  used  to  determine  student  activities  during  the
                        learning process. This sheet is arranged based on the aspects to be observed, namely:

                           1.   Learners read case exposure

                           2.   Learners identify problems that arise

                           3.   Learners discuss the given case

                           4.   Learners make a summary of the results of the discussion and lead to solving
                               cases or solutions  of problems

                           5.   Learners present hasil discussion

                             3.  Effectiveness

                             a)  Test Sheet

                             Test sheets are  used to measure the  mastery of  learners' concepts   that are

                        assessed  from  evaluations  in  the  form  of  pre-tests  and  post-tests,  based  on  the
                        cognitive of the learning process using e-modules. Student learning outcome tests are

                        given before and after the learning process so that students  can see the mastery of

                        the learner's concept  after using e-modules in the learning process. In this study for
                        a limited-scale trial  conducted on 30 learners.
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