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                        adolescents who will become future parents for  maternal and child health, including

                        to break the chain of stunting problems.

                           Stunting is the biggest nutritional problem in clowns and toddlers in Indonesia.

                        The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia in  2021 is 24.4%.  Based on JME stunting data,

                        UNICEF World Bank in 2020,   Indonesia's stunting prevalence is  115th out of 151
                        countries in the world (Khairani, 2021) and is the second highest in Southeast Asia

                        after Timor.  Leste (Asian Development Bank, 2021).   Gorontalo Province is in  the

                        tenth highest position in Indonesia at  29%.  The prevalence of stunting by district /
                        city in  Gorontalo province, namely Pohuwato Regency by 34.6%,  Boalemo Regency

                        by  29.8%,    North  Gorontalo  Regency  29.5%,    Gorontalo  Regency  by  28.3%,  City

                        Gorontalo by 26.5% and  Bone Bolango Regency by 25.1% (Indonesian Nutrition Status

                        Study, 2021).  According to who,  public health problems can be considered chronic
                        when the prevalence of stunting  is more than  20%.

                           Children  who  grow  up  stunting  experience  cognitive  and  psychomotor

                        development problems.  Stunting conditions that occur will have an impact on the

                        quality  of  the  future  nation.  In  general,  children  who  grow  and  develop
                        disproportionately will have  intellectually below average  abilities when compared to

                        children who grow well. This is  in line with  daracantika et al., (2021) which states

                        that  stunting  has  biological  implications  for  brain  and  neurological  development

                        which translates into decreased cognitive  value.  which will have an impact on the lack
                        of learning achievement. In addition,  stunting children also have a greater  risk of

                        suffering  from  non-communicable  diseases    such  as  diabetes,  obesity,  and    heart

                        disease as adults (Adam & Medong, 2022).

                           Nutrition education in schools can be taught through biology subjects in class XI
                        on basic competencies 3.7, namely analyzing the relationship between the structure

                        of organ building tissues in the digestive system in relation to nutrition, bioprocessing

                        and malfunctions that can occur in the human digestive system.  Based on the results
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