Page 22 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Oyedele
P. 22

2006b; Oyedele and Shimboyo, 2013). I should mention that this procedure
           gives us baseline values.


           Director of Ceremony, I wish to confirm that this approach of collecting and
           studying soil samples is what my research team has been using to study the
           radioactivity in different towns and cities in Namibia for the past ten years.
           The list of the cities and towns that we have studied includes the following
           (in alphabetical order):

                  Arandis
                  Hentis Bay
                  Karasburg
                  Katima-Mulilo
                  Luderitz
                  Oshakati
                  Rosh Pinah
                  Rundu
                  Swakopmund
                  Tsumeb
                  Usakos
                  Walvis Bay
                  Windhoek
                  Wlotzkasbaken (a holiday settlement).

           Most of these cities and towns can be seen on the following maps of
           Namibia (Figures 6(a) and 6(b)). In the following discussions, I will at times
           refer to towns and cities as simply towns.
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