Page 27 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Oyedele
P. 27

Uranium      Thorium      Potassium
                Average radioactivity concentrations


                   (Bq/kg)  300



                            1    2   3    4    5    6   7    8    9   10

                                        Geographical areas

               Figure 6.4: A comparison of the average concentrations of different
                       radionuclides in the ten different areas of a town.

           As I said earlier, these concentrations are used to estimate the radiation
           level or annual effective dose or effective dose rate in a town. The effective
           dose rates in the different towns are shown in Figure 6.5. (Oyedele, 2006b,
           Oyedele,  Sitoka  and  Davids,  2008,  Oyedele  and  Shimboyo,  2013,  and
           Shimboyo and Oyedele, 2015). The effective dose rates are shown along
           the  vertical  (or  Y-axis)  and  the  towns  are  on  the  horizontal  (or  X-axis)  in
           alphabetical order.

           As could be observed in the figure, the dose rates are not the same but
           different for different towns. Arandis has the highest dose rate (0.27 mSv/y)
           while Rundu has the lowest dose rate (0.012 mSv/y or 12 µSv/y). Arandis is
           very close to a uranium mine (Rossing Uranium Mine) and its Geology may
           not be too different from that of the mine thus resulting in relatively high
           effective dose rate in the town. While the dose rates in some towns such as
           Oshakati, are very low and lower than a value of 0.05 mSv/y, those in some
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