Page 28 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Oyedele
P. 28

other towns such as Henties Bay are much higher and more than double
           the value of 0.05 mSv/y.


             EFFECTIVE DOSE RATES (mSv/y)  0.15





                                    CITIES AND TOWNS

                  Figure 6.5:  Effective dose rates in different cities and towns.

           Director of ceremony, at this stage, one may ask for the implication of a
           high or low value of the dose rate. The higher the dose rate of a town, the
           higher  the  level  of  radiation  to  which  the  inhabitants  of  the  town  are
           exposed.  However,  there  is  a  maximum  permissible  limit  or  maximum
           permissible  dose  rate  of  1.0  mSv/y  (UNSCEAR,  2000  and  Wrixon,  2008). A
           dose rate below this value indicates that the level of radiation is low and
           the corresponding radiation hazard in the town is negligible.
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