Page 26 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Oyedele
P. 26


           A typical set of results of average radionuclide concentrations in the soils of
           the  ten  geographical  areas  to  which  a  town  is  sub-divided  is  shown
           graphically in Figure 6.4. The concentrations of the radionuclides are shown
           along the vertical (or Y-axis) while the ten neighbouring geographical areas
           of  the  town  are  shown  along  the  horizontal  (or  X-axis).  The  brown  open
           square shows the average concentration of Uranium ( 238 U) in a given area
           while the solid black square shows the average concentration of Thorium
           ( 232 Th)  in  a  given  area.  Similarly  the  blue vertical  bar  shows  the  average
           concentration of Potassium ( K)  in a given area.

           As could be seen in the figure, the average concentrations of the three
           radionuclides are not the same even in the same geographical area. Also,
           for a given radionuclide, the average concentration is not the same across
           the different geographical areas. Potassium ( K) has the highest average
           concentration in each of the ten areas while Uranium ( 238 U) has the lowest
           average concentration in most of the areas. Thorium ( 232 Th) has an average
           concentration that is a bit higher than that of Uranium in most of the areas.

           These  results  indicate  that  radioactivity  varies  across  the  town  and  that
           Potassium  contributes  a  lot  to  the  radioactivity  in  the  town  followed  by
           Thorium and Uranium.
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