Page 13 - principles of tourism marketing-1 (1)
P. 13

determines to choose a particular tourist to visit a specific

                       Attractions  can  be  archaeological,  cultural,  historical  buildings,

                       monuments, beach resorts, mountains, flora and fauna, national

                       parks, even trade fairs, arts and music festivals, exhibitions, games,

                       etc. Now a day’s tourists are susceptible to changes in fashion.

                          -  Accessibility: That means by which a visitor can reach the

                             attraction  place.  A  traveler  needs  some  transportation  to

                             reach his destination. Tourists visit the attraction destination

                             by different transport modes. Visitors visit his predetermined

                             location by car, motorcycle, train, ship or boat, an airplane

                             even by cycle.

                       If any destinations did not have good transport systems, the place

                       becomes very cheap. Tourist centers should be located near tourist-

                       producing  markets.  It  is  connected  to  a  network  of  efficient

                       transportation to receive the largest number of tourists.

                          -  Accommodation: Another                tourism          product         is

                             accommodation. It is the most essential part of tourism—the

                             tourist  destination location must-have hotels, guest  houses,

                             camping, homestay. If accommodation is not possible at the

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