Page 15 - principles of tourism marketing-1 (1)
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Educational Tourism
The tradition, culture of the destination plays a vital role in
tourism. Humans maintain it to attract tourists. Like- classical
dance – music, folk dance, paintings, handicrafts, festivals, fairs,
Example: Machu Picchu World Heritage Site, Egyptian pyramids,
Taj Mahal in India, India Gate in Delhi, Red Fort in Agra, Lothal
in Gujarat, Mexican pyramids, or Mesoamerican pyramids are
important archaeological sites.
The Bhangra dance form of Punjab, Kolkata Book Fair, Durga
puja in Kolkata, Brass work of Muradabad, etc., are also included
in human-made tourism products.
Tour guides are another main aspect of travelling. It is also a
parameter for tourism. For national and international travelers,
they need a travel guide to discovering a new place. Sometimes
national travelers may visit any tourist destination on their own.
But an international traveler always wants a good tourist guide.
How you present the location and how much information you
provide to understand the place. It totally depends on a guided tour
and a travel guide. This parameter upgrades the tourist
destination’s level.