Page 29 - principles of tourism marketing-1 (1)
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in a certain area – then you’re eating in local restaurants, using
local public transport, buying souvenirs and ice cream and new flip
flops. As a tourist, you are contributing to the global economy every
time you book and take a trip.
For some towns, cities and even whole countries, the importance of
tourism is greater than for other. In some cases, it is the main
source of income. For example, according to the World Travel and
Tourism Council, tourism accounts for almost 40% of the
Maldives’ total GDP. In comparison, it’s less than 4% in the UK
and even lower in the US! In the Seychelles the number is just over
26% while in the British Virgin Islands it is over 35% – so tourism
is vastly important in these nations.
- The importance of tourism: Social gains
The importance of tourism is not only recognized through
economic factors, but there are also many positive social impacts of
tourism that play an important part. Below I will outline some of
the social gains from tourism.
- Preserving Local Culture
It is the local culture that the tourists are often coming to visit and
this is another way to demonstrate the importance of tourism.