Page 20 - 영문 이성필성지순례여행
P. 20

18                                                      Seoul                       Seoul                                                       19

                                                                                                             5  Appenzeller/Noble Memorial
                             4  Saemoonan Church
                                                                                                              (Pai Chai Hakdang) Museum

                       79 Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu
                                                                                                              19 Seosomun-ro 11-gil, Jung-gu

                                                                                                   Pai Chai Hakdang  (a boys’ school)  was founded in August 1885 by H. G. Appenzeller, American
                                                                                                   North Methodist missionary. It is the predecessor of Pai Chai University and Pai Chai
                                                                                                   Middle & High School. Appenzeller arrived in Seoul in July 1885 and bought a house of W.
                                                  “Korea’s                                         B. Scranton who had come a month earlier than him, and he tore down the walls of two
                                               Mother church”                                      rooms and use it as a classroom and began teaching two students there.
                                                                                                   Emperor Gojong endowed its name, Pai Chai Hakdang (培材學堂) , and a sign board in June,
                                                                                                   1886 and the number of students increased to 20 in October of that year. Appenzeller said,
                                                                                                   “The purpose of establishing school is not to cultivate interpreters or to teach workers at
                                         Saemoonan Church  (formerly Chungdong Church)
                                                                                                   our school but to send people who have received liberal education”, and he chose the
                                         began at the residence of Rev. H. G. Underwood
                                                                                                   school motto as “whoever would be great among you must be your servant.”
                                         on Tuesday night, September 27, 1887 at 13
                                                                                                   In addition to providing the general education, the school held speech and debate contest,
                                         Jeongdong, Seoul  (currently Yewon Middle School
                                                                                                   and tried to cultivate people who have right thought and are physically strong as well.
                                         playground) . As the number of church members
                                                                                                   The printing department of Pai Chai Hakdang at that time was the beginning of modern
                                         increased due to the chaos of society during
                                                                                                   printing facilities in Korea. Unfortunately, many buildings here have been demolished and
                                         Donghak Peasant Revolution and Qing–Japan
                                                                                                   only the East building remains. It was designated as Seoul Monument No. 16 in 2001.
                                         War in 1894, a chapel was newly built and moved
                                         to the current Pierson Building place (the opposite site
                                         of Seoul History Museum) .
                                                                                                  “To send people who have received liberal education”
                                         In October 1904, while Song Sun-myeong was
            Completion of a new chapel on   selected as an elder, the first church conference
            November 23th, 2019          of Korean church was formed, and a chapel was
                                         newly built and relocated in its current location on
                                         May 29, 1910. Seo Gyeong-jo, one of Korea’s first                                                         Logo of Pai Chai Hakdang
                                         seven pastors served as an Associate Reverend
                                         with Reverend Underwood.
                                         After arriving on Easter Day, April 5, 1885,
                                                                                                           A sign board granted by Emperor Gojong
                                         Underwood helped work at Chejungwon due
            Saemoonan church history museum  to the government’s prohibition of missionary
                                         activities, and established Saemoonan Church
                                         on September 27, 1887 while conducting                                                                Site of Pai Chai Hakdang/ Site of
                                                                                                                                                    house of Namgoong Uk
                                         missionary work through the operation of an
                                         orphan school (currently Kyungshin High School) . He
                                         also established Yonsei University. Saemoonan
                                         Church has a history museum. You can see a lot
            Monument of Underwood & Martyrdom   of data on the early history of the Korean church
            Monument of Pastor Kim Young-joo  as well as Saemoonan Church’s history there.                                                  Appenzeller/Noble Memorial Museum
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