Page 33 - 영문 이성필성지순례여행
P. 33

30    Seoul  Seoul                                                    31

 16  Ihwajang                  17  Hamilton Shaw

 32 Ihwajang 1-gil, Jongno-gu (Ihwadong)  47 Seooreung-ro, Eunpyeong-gu

                “I was born in Korea, so
 “Rhee Syngman, the first   I am also Korean. How can
 president of the Republic of   I study comfortably while my
 Korea who protected liberal   country is at war? It's never
 democracy on this land.”  too late to study after peace
                 comes to my country.”

 The first President
 of the Republic
 of Korea, Unam
 Ihwajang, Seoul  Syngman Rhee       Statue of William Hamilton Shaw  Grave of William Hamilton
                                                                Shaw in Yanghwajin

            There is a statue of U.S. Navy Officer William Hamilton Shaw (Korean name: Seo Wiryum)  at
            Eunpyeong Peace Park in Nokbeon-dong Hill. This place is where he was killed during the
            Second Battle of Seoul on September 22, 1950. He was 29 years old.
            He was born in Pyongyang as the only son of U.S. Methodist missionaries during the
 Entrance of Ihwajang  Japanese colonial rule and graduated from Pyongyang Foreign School, but he was deported
            to the United States and joined the U.S. Navy, and he participated as an officer in the
            Normandy Landing Operation.
            At the end of World War II, he was discharged from the military and returned to his second
            country, Korea, and devoted as a military instructor and contributed to establishing the
              Korea Naval Academy at Jinhae-gu. Shaw returned to the US and entered the doctoral
 Unam sua Rhee Syngman   Jogak Jeong (組閣亭)  program in East Asian and Korean studies at Harvard University. Following the outbreak of
 Memorial Museum  the Korean War, Shaw rejoined the Navy and returned to Korea leaving a letter to his family,
            “I cannot in good conscience return to Korea as a Christian missionary in peacetime if I am
 Ihwajang is a private residence of former President Rhee Syngman who served as the first   not first willing to be there to help the Koreans defend their
 president, and was built in the 1920s. It is a large mansion consisting of a U-shaped hanok   freedom in time of war.” He was good at the Korean language
 and pavilions like Jogak Jeong (組閣亭) . It was the site of Grand Prince Inpyeong’s residence   and geography. He helped General Douglas MacArthur during
 and it was called Sindae (申臺)  because medical scholar Gwang-han Shin lived during the   the Battle of Incheon and he was killed on September 22,
 reign of King Jungjong.  On the rock behind the back door of Ihwajang, there are curved   1950 at the young age of 29 when he volunteered to lead a
 letters “紅泉翠壁” written by Gang Saehwang which commemorates Sindae. Ihwajang itself   reconnaissance team behind enemy lines in the push to retake
 has nothing special but it has a historical meaning that the first president lived, and the first   Seoul. His tombstone says, “Greater love has no one than this:
 cabinet was formed in Jogak Jeong, a small annex on the southeastern hill. It is designated   to lay down one's life for one’s friends. - John 15:13-”
 as Seoul Metropolitan Government Monument No. 6.  Memorial stone
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