Page 38 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 38

The Three Shofarot

                         of Rosh Hashanah

    Rabbi Steven

                         une 21, 1977, in Jerusalem.   grave responsibility, and it is a feeling   On Rosh Hashanah 1933, Rav Kook
                         The Prime Minister of Israel,   of wonderful hopefulness. It is a feel-  delivered a powerful sermon in the
                         Yitzchak Rabin, is relinquish-  ing of sisterhood and brotherhood, and   Old City of Jerusalem, reflecting on
                   Jing his office to the opposition   it is a feeling of solitude.  the three Divine calls summoning the
                   leader, Menachem Begin. There is a                                Jewish people to be redeemed and to
                   brief ceremony, many rounds of hand-  When feelings are so complex, it is   redeem their land. With Germany
                                                    nearly impossible to convey them
                   shakes and awkward embraces for the   in mere words. Sometimes we need   growing more threatening under
                   cameras, and then Prime Minister   a musical instrument to express our   Hitler’s reign, and with immigrants
                   Begin turns to enter his new office   innermost thoughts, and so we use   streaming to the Land from Europe
                   for the first time. Suddenly, as Yehuda                           while facing new hatred from rioting
                   Avner relates in The Prime Ministers,   the shofar to blow the sounds of tekiah,   Arabs, it was a tumultuous and fright-
                                                    shevarim, and teruah.
                   a reporter calls out after him: “Mr.                              ening time. And so Rav Kook asked the
                   Begin, what does it feel like to walk   But in addition to these three sounds,   people: which shofar’s sound do we
                   into that room after so many years in   there are also three possible shofarot   hear at this time? Which level of shofar
                   opposition?”                     to blow, as enumerated in the Shulchan   will we use to usher in our redemp-
                                                    Aruch (Orach Chaim 586:1): “The mitz-
                   Begin pauses, and with much gravity   vah of shofar on Rosh Hashanah is with   tion? The ideal, the satisfactory, or the
                   says: “It is a compelling moment, my   a bent ram’s horn.” Ideally, we should   absolute last resort?
                   friend. It is a compelling moment of   use the horn of a ram for the mitzvah   We also live in uncertain times, and so
                   extraordinary opposites. On the one   of shofar, and one that is twisted and   nearly ninety years later we can also
                   hand, it is a terrifying feeling, and on                          ask ourselves: which shofar animates
                   the other, it is an exhilarating one. It is   bent rather than straight. But what   our lives and propels us into action?
                                                    if none is available for use? “If that is
                   a feeling of the highest privilege, and it
                   is a feeling of the deepest humility. It is   not possible, all shofarot are usable,   Let us begin with the most unfortunate
                                                    whether straight or bent; but bent is
                   a feeling of grave responsibility, and it                         possibility. The least desirable shofar
                   is a feeling of wonderful hopefulness.   preferable to straight.” One still fulfills   comes from the horn of a non-kosher
                                                    the mitzvah of shofar using the horns of
                   It is a feeling of sisterhood and broth-  other kosher animals, whether bent   animal. This shofar corresponds to the
                   erhood, and it is a feeling of solitude. I   or straight.         wake-up call that comes from perse-
                   have the feeling of the chazzan on the                            cution by other nations, when we are
                   Yamim Noraim when he stands alone   But what if, theoretically, no horns   driven to action by the piercing siren
                   before the Aron Kodesh and he appeals   from a kosher animal can be found?   of fear. This is the shofar of affliction.
                   to the Almighty in the name of the   Although the Shulchan Aruch cites the   This is the shofar that unites the Jewish
                   whole congregation.”             Ran that “a shofar from a non-kosher   people because of antisemitic threats.
                                                    animal is disqualified”, the Mishnah   This shofar produces results, but only
                   We can ask this same question of our-  Berurah points out that “the Achronim
                   selves on Rosh Hashanah, as we enter                              because  it  drives us to “flee from”
                   a new chapter in our lives – a new year   wrote that this law is not clear and   danger instead of “running towards”
                                                    therefore if there is no other shofar
                   of opportunity. What does it feel like   to blow one should use [a shofar from   redemption. There is no blessing made
                   to walk into this room, on this day?                              on such a shofar, for “we do not make
                                                    a non-kosher animal], but without a   a blessing on the cup of persecution”
                   I submit that many of us would betray   berachah.” It may still be possible to   (Berachot 51a).
                   the same mixed emotions as Begin   fulfill the mitzvah of shofar by hearing
                   did. On the one hand, it is a terrify-  the blasts from the horn of a non-ko-  This is not the shofar we hope to hear.
                   ing feeling, and on the other, it is an   sher animal. And so the halachah enu-  We don’t want to act out of fear! Yet
                   exhilarating one. It is a feeling of the   merates three levels of fulfillment: the   we are too motivated to act thinking
                   highest privilege, and it is a feeling of   ideal, the satisfactory, and the absolute   “it would be bad if we didn’t” instead
                   the deepest humility. It is a feeling of   last resort.           of “yes, this is the right thing to do”.

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