Page 34 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 34

Seven Principles

                            of Leadership

                                Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ל”צז

          The call for shlichut is, in essence, a call for leadership. In this spirit, we reprint here an essay
              first published by Rabbi Sacks in June 2012, on the fundamentals of Jewish leadership.

                he phrase “Jewish leadership” is   2                            challenge: to persuade the Egyptians to
                ambiguous. It means leadership   No one can lead alone          let the Israelites go, and to persuade the
                by Jews, but it also means lead-                                Israelites to take the risk of going. The
        Tership in a Jewish way, according   Seven times in Genesis 1, we hear the word   latter turns out to be more difficult than
        to Judaic principles and values. The first is   tov, “good”. Only twice in the whole Torah   the former.
        common, the second rare. Throughout my   does the phrase lo tov, “not good”, appear.   Along the way, Moses performs signs and
        life it has been a privilege to witness both.   The first is when G-d says, “It is not good
        So by way of saying thank you for the past   for man to be alone.” The second is when   wonders. Yet his greatest leadership act
                                                                                occurs in the last month of his life. He
        and giving blessings for the future, I have   Yitro sees his son-in-law Moses leading
        set out below seven of the many axioms of   alone, and says, “What you are doing is   gathers the people together on the bank
        leadership done in a Jewish way.    not good.” We cannot live alone. We cannot   of the Jordan and delivers the speeches
                                            lead alone. Leadership is teamsmanship.  that constitute the book of Deuteronomy.
                                                                                There he rises to the greatest heights of
        1    Leadership begins with         One corollary of this is that there is no one   prophecy, his eyes turned to the furthest
                                                                                horizon of the future. He tells the people
                                            leadership style in Judaism. During the
             taking responsibility
                                            ers: Moses, Miriam and Aaron. Moses was
                                                                                Promised Land. He gives them laws. He
        Contrast the opening of Genesis with the   wilderness years there were three lead-  of the challenges they will face in the
        opening of Exodus. The opening chapters   close to G-d. Aaron was close to the people.   sets forth his vision of a good society. He
        of Genesis are about failures of respon-  Miriam led the women and sustained her   institutes principles, such as the septen-
        sibility. Confronted by G-d with their   two brothers. The Sages say it was in her   nial national assembly at which the Torah
        sin, Adam blames Eve, Eve blames the   merit that there was water to drink in the   was to be recited, that will periodically
        serpent. Cain says, “Am I my brother’s   desert.                        recall Israel to its mission.
        keeper?” Even Noah, “righteous, perfect   During the biblical era there were three   Before you can lead, you must have a
        in his generations,” has no effect on his   different leadership roles: kings, priests,   vision of the future and be able to com-
        contemporaries.                     and prophets. The king was a political   municate it to others.
        By contrast, at the beginning of Exodus,   leader. The priest was a religious leader.
        Moses takes responsibility. When he   The prophet was a visionary, a man or
        sees an Egyptian beating an Israelite, he   woman of ideals and ideas. So in Judaism   4  Leaders learn
        intervenes. When he sees two Israelites   leadership is an emergent property of mul-
        fighting, he intervenes. In Midian, when   tiple roles and perspectives. No one person
        he sees shepherds abusing the daughters   can lead the Jewish people.   They study more than others. They read
        of Yitro, he intervenes. Moses, an Israel-                              more than others. Of the king, the Torah
        he did not. He is the supreme case of one  3  Leadership is about       says that he must write his own Sefer
        ite brought up as an Egyptian, could have
        avoided each of these confrontations, yet
                                                                                Torah which “must always be with him,
                                                 the future
                                                                                life” (Deut. 17:19). Joshua, Moses’ successor,
        who says: when I see wrong, if no one else   Leadership is vision-driven. Before Moses   and he shall read from it all the days of his
        is prepared to act, I will.                                             is commanded: “Keep this Book of the Law
                                            can lead he has to experience a vision at
        At the heart of Judaism are three beliefs   the burning bush. There he is told his task:   always on your lips; meditate on it day and
                                                                                night” (Josh. 1:8).
        about leadership: We are free. We are   to lead the people from slavery to freedom.
        responsible. And together we can change   He has a destination: the land flowing   Without constant study, leadership lacks
        the world.                          with milk and honey. He is given a double   direction and depth.

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