Page 36 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 36
Rosh Hashanah
Rabbi Yosef
Zvi Rimon
The source development. Alternately, he says that
they are sweet, symbolizing a sweet
n the book of Nechemiah, we find
a description of the first Rosh new year.
Hashanah in Jerusalem after the Abudraham, Magen Avraham, and
Icity’s walls were rebuilt by the other Rishonim and Acharonim note
Jews returning from Babylonia. Nech- that additional symbolic foods may
emiah tells the people that the day is a be chosen because their names corre-
holy one and they must not mourn. On spond to a particular request. Today,
the contrary, he says, “Go, eat rich foods many Jews eat apples and honey, a
and drink sweet beverages” (8:9–10). practice that appears in Machzor Vitry.
Simply understood, his words mean Many add further simanim and requests
that good food is in order because it of astonishing variety and imagination.
contributes to the joy of the holiday.
However, this is not the only possible The order
explanation. The Mordechai (Yoma, There are two common customs
no. 723), citing the Geonim, writes that governing the order of the symbolic
eating rich and sweet foods symbolizes foods. Most Sefardim and some Ashke-
our desire for a good year of sweetness nazim, following Ben Ish Chai and Kaf The power of the righteous few stems
and plenty in agriculture and other haChayim, eat the dates first, because from the holiness of the nation, and so
pursuits. According to this interpreta- they are one of the seven species of the nation as a whole, which is likened
tion, the custom of eating simanim is Israel. Meanwhile, most Ashkenazim to an apple, takes precedence. What is
ancient, dating back at least to the time and some Sefardim eat the apple first, more, the apple represents the merit of
of the return to the Land of Israel from as preferred by Tur and Maharil. saying “we shall do” before “we shall
Babylonia. listen.” For this reason, putting the
A piquant reason offered for the apple first has special significance.
Another source is Abaye’s statement in second approach is that the nation of
the Talmud that simana milleta hi, that Israel is compared to the apple. This is One night or two?
“portents have significance” (Keritot so, explains the Gemara (Shabbat 88a),
6a). Therefore, at the beginning of the because just as the apple tree gives At its core, the custom of the simanim
new year it is desirable to eat symbolic its fruit before it grows leaves, so did consists of eating the symbolic foods
foods like squash, black-eyed peas, the people of Israel say “we shall do” on the first night of Rosh Hashanah
leek, beets, and dates. (Eshel Avraham). However, there are
(na’aseh) before saying “we shall listen” those who also eat the symbolic foods
Why are these particular foods listed? (nishma). It is written that “a righteous on the second night, in accordance
Rashi explains that they grow quickly, person shall blossom like a date palm” with Sha’arei Teshuvah and others.
so that they symbolize growth and (Tehillim 92:13), suggesting that the Many reserve pomegranates for the
date represents a person who is on a second night so they can be used for
higher spiritual level than most other saying shehecheyanu, while also eating
Jews. Nevertheless, the Jewish people apples with honey and saying the
as a whole is more important than a accompanying yehi ratzon prayer, just
few uniquely righteous individuals. as they did on the first night of Rosh
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of Mizrachi’s
A member of Educational Advisory Board and Rabbinic
the Mizrachi Council. He serves as the Rabbi of the Gush
Speakers Bureau Etzion Regional Council and is the Founder and Chairman of Sulamot.
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