Page 33 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 33

Rabbi Eliahu                          Rotem Aharoni                         Rabbi Yechiel
     Birnbaum                              Yehoshua                              Wasserman

     W        hy did I serve as a shaliach? I want to   W                            rom 1989–1992, I served as the shaliach for

                                                    hen I was in the army, I joined
                                                    a program that sent soldiers on
                                                                                     the World Zionist Organization’s Depart-
              share a personal story from 40 years
                                                                                     ment of Education in Los Angeles, where I
              ago, which determined the course
                                                    shlichut to summer camps in the
                                                    USA. I was sent to Camp Moshava
              of my life.
                                                                                     was responsible for seven western states,
                                                    IO in Pennsylvania. On the first
                 In the First Lebanon War I
                                                                                 oversaw and trained fifty teachers from Israel.
     fought in the famous Battle of Sultan Yacoub,   Shabbat, we led the campers in singing Hatikvah,   Fprepared educational programming, and
     in which 20 soldiers fell, 30 were injured and 3   but most of the kids were talking and not   Most importantly, it was my job to help Jewish
     were taken captive and remain missing in action.   treating the song respectfully. I asked the Rosh   students develop a love for Israel and learn to
     For an entire night, we were under fire from   Edah if I could say something, and then I shared   appreciate its centrality in Jewish life.
     Syrian tanks, commando battalions and Sager   with the campers experience as an Israeli and   Every year, we brought groups of students on
     anti-tank missiles fired by Palestinian terrorists.   as a soldier, and what Hatikvah means to me.   a meaningful ten-day tour in Israel. We always
     Few tanks emerged whole from that inferno, the   Afterwards, a number of campers came over to   ended the trip with a powerful and joyous cer-
     most difficult battle of the war and a painful   tell me that my words were very meaningful and   emony at the Kotel, just before bringing the
     chapter in the military history of the IDF.  had made a great impact on them.   students to the airport for their flights back to
        Immediately after the battle, I had a strange   That was the moment that I realized that   America. In 1992, we brought a group of students
     feeling, despite the deep pain, that G-d had   simply sharing my experience as an Israeli   from the Hillel school in Los Angeles to Israel,
     touched me. I felt in my heart a powerful drive   could have a significant impact on Jews around   and ended the trip, as always, with a ceremony
     to go out and engage with the Jewish people,   the world. And this is exactly what I tell our   at the Kotel. On the way to the airport, the bus
     to help preserve its existence and its spiritual   shlichim. The power of shlichut is in forming   was at the scene of a terror attack in Jerusalem
     future. My conclusion was simple and logical.   meaningful relationships and then sharing   in which several people were seriously injured.
     If G-d kept me alive I must be His shaliach to   your Israeli identity and experience. This is the   Thank G-d, none of the students were hurt. In
     protect the lives of other Jews. “Everywhere I   simple formula for making a tremendous impact   those days, there was no internet or cell phones,
     go, I go to Eretz Yisrael,” said Rabbi Nachman of   on Jewish lives all over the world! I have been   and the only way to communicate with their
     Breslov. I chose a way of life of: “Everywhere I   privileged to serve as a shlicha in North America,   families in Los Angeles was by a landline phone.
     go, I go to Am Yisrael.” It has been a magical and   Sweden and South Africa, and I’ve learned that   It was morning in Los Angeles and a number of
     challenging journey of many years.    no  matter where in the  world you are, the   parents heard about the attack in the media, so
        During my visits to Jewish communities   formula for a successful shlichut is the same!  I quickly called the principal of the school, Rabbi
     around the world, I tried to understand their                               Menachem Gottesman z”l to tell him everyone
     situation and needs with empathy and respect.                               was ok.
     I went, not as a researcher coming to study an                                 When we arrived back in Los Angeles, we
     anthropological phenomenon nor as a tourist                                 gathered the parents and told them what had
     taking pictures, but out of a sense of partnership                          happened. At school the next day, we all recited
     and love. We are family, one united people, no                              the Birkat Hagomel together, with great emotion.
     matter where we live.                                                          The story of the students’ frightening expe-
                                                                                 rience received a lot of attention in the commu-
                                                                                 nity, but instead of deterring future trips, it had
                                                                                 the opposite effect – the number of school trips
                                                                                 to Israel increased!
     Rabbi Eliahu Birnbaum is the founding director of   Rotem Aharoni Yehoshua serves as the Director
     Ohr Torah Stone’s Beren-Amiel and Straus-Amiel   of the Morim Shlichim unit of the World Zionist   Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman is Co-President of World
     Emissary Training Programs.           Organization.                         Mizrachi.

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