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    Rabbi Reuven
                                                                                                        (PHOTO: YAAKOV REICH)

                   Life’s mission
                   M                                Yosef took this idea a step further.   I tell him that the arrows are beyond
                                                    Though he arrived in Egypt through
                                                                                     him, go, because Hashem has sent you.”
                             ost shlichim mentioned in
                                                                                     Though David was forced to flee in
                                                    the sinful actions of his brothers,
                             the Torah are people sent
                                                    he viewed himself as Hashem’s
                                                                                     order to save his own life, Yehonatan
                             on a particular mission
                             on behalf of another.
                                                    centralization of resources in Egypt
                                                                                     on Hashem’s shlichut”.
                   Avraham sent Eliezer to find a wife   shaliach. He saw the famine and the   framed David’s leaving as “embarking
                   for Yitzchak, Ya’akov sent Yehudah   as a unique opportunity to assist the   Rabbi Bloch explained that even
                   ahead to Egypt to prepare for the   Jewish people, and believed G-d had   when we are escaping danger, we are
                   family’s arrival, Hashem sent Moshe   placed him in a powerful position   actually on a mission, for the danger is
                   to Pharaoh, and Moshe sent the spies   in order to facilitate this goal. He   merely G-d’s way of ensuring we arrive
                   to explore Eretz Yisrael.        explained  to  his  family:  “You did   in the place where we are meant to
                                                    not send me here; it was Hashem”
                   Nevertheless, the first time the Torah   (Bereishit 45:8). Though the brothers   fulfill our shlichut. This was how Rabbi
                   uses the word “shlichut” is in reference   sold him as a slave, it was Hashem who   Bloch viewed his own situation; his
                   to the totality of a person’s life. When   put Yosef in his powerful position at   escape from Europe was meant to
                   Hashem expelled Adam and Chavah   that critical juncture.         bring him to Cleveland to reestablish
                   from Gan Eden, the Torah uses the word                            the Telz Yeshivah in America.
                   ּוה ֵח ְּל ַׁש ְי ַו, implying that though Adam   We all know the importance of turning
                   was expelled from Gan Eden because   “lemons into lemonade”, of trying to   Self-fulfillment
                   of his sin, Hashem still imbued his life   transform a negative situation into   Modern culture encourages us to focus
                   with a sense of purpose and mission   a positive one. Yosef teaches us to   on ourselves and our own personal
                   (Sefat Emet, 5661).              seek more than just lemonade, to try   pleasure, goals and self-fulfillment. At
                                                    to understand G-d’s intentions, even
                   The Zohar (1:129b) teaches that we   when we are victims of “man-made”   first glance, this makes the concept
       Scan here to   must aim to live as constant shlichim   or even sinful circumstances.  of  shlichut harder to identify with.
         join Rabbi   of Hashem, comparing such people to   Using a verse in  Sefer Shmuel as   But  in  truth,  shlichut  for  Hashem
         Taragin’s   malachim, heavenly angels, whose very                           – our Creator – is the ultimate self-
        daily Divrei   name means “agents”. The Ba’al Shem   inspiration, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Bloch   fulfillment! The entire world was
            Torah   Tov believed that we are all sent to this   founded the Telz Yeshivah in Cleveland   created to glorify Hashem; when we
         WhatsApp   world as Hashem’s agents with unique   during the Holocaust. After escaping   act as His emissaries, we realize what
            group  missions  to  accomplish,  while  Rav   Europe and arriving in Cleveland   we were created to accomplish.
                   Soloveitchik adds that this is why each   in 1941, he and Rabbi Mottel Katz    ן ִמ ּונ ָלי ִ ּ ד ְב ִה ְו ,ֹודֹוב ְכ ִל ּונ ָא ָר ְּב ׁש,ּוני ֵקל- ֱא אּוה ךּור ָּב
                   of us are born at a particular time and   convened a meeting with community    ע ַט ָנ ם ָלֹוע יֵּי ַח ְו ,ת ֶמ ֱא ת ַרֹו ּ ת ּונ ָל ן ַת ָנ ְו ,םי ִעֹו ּ ת ַה
                   place, for we all have unique missions   leaders to discuss founding a yeshivah.           .ּונ ֵכֹות ְּ ב
                   to accomplish on Hashem’s behalf.  At the meeting, Rabbi Bloch discussed
                                                    the code Yehonatan used to let David   May we achieve chayei olam (eternal
                   More than just lemonade          know whether or not it was safe for   life) by living our lives as shlichim on
                                                    him to return to Shaul’s court.   behalf of the One sheb’ra’anu lichvodo,
                   Though Adam HaRishon was expelled
                   from Gan Eden as a punishment, his   As his assistant collected the arrows   “Who created us for His Honor”, and
                   punishment was also intended to be   he shot, Yehonatan would tell the   separated  us  from  the  aimless  by
                   a form of mission. Chazal explain   assistant that the arrows were either   giving us the Torah to show us how
                   our people’s exile from the Land in   closer or further than where he was   to serve Him.
        A member of   a similar fashion; just as Adam was   standing. If Yehonatan yelled that
        the Mizrachi   given a new shlichut to accomplish   the arrows were further, it was a sign
     Speakers Bureau  outside of Gan Eden, the Jewish people   that David was in danger and needed  were meant to fulfill a new shlichut in   to flee. Interestingly, Yehonatan   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational Director
          speakers  exile (Eicha Rabbah, Hakdama 4).  formulated the message this way: “If   of Mizrachi.

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