Page 32 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 32


     VIEWS                                 Zeev                                  Efrat

                                           Schwartz Metzler

                                                hinking about Torah MiTzion over   feel blessed to have been on shlichut three
                                                the years, a key word comes to mind:   times! The first time was in Stockholm, as a
                                                dedication. When tanks patrolled the   young bat sherut leumi traveling with some
                                                streets of Moscow in 1999, we had a   trepidation to a new community about which
                                           Tcrucial decision to make. Should we send II knew so little. My second shlichut was again
     We asked                              shlichim to establish the first Zionist kollel in   to Stockholm, but this time as a married couple,
                                                                                 serving the community there for three years. We
                                           Moscow, a city in turmoil? How could we balance
     leaders of                            the risk to our shlichim with the incredible   arrived there in 1999 before Chabad had even
                                                                                 set up there, and served as a central hub of the
                                           potential for change in post-Soviet Russia?
                                              Our dedication to our vision guided us as we   community. Then, as a family with four kids, we
     shlichut                              decided to move forward, coped with financial   packed our bags again and headed to Melbourne,
                                                                                 Australia to lead the largest Bnei Akiva snif in the
                                           instability and navigated the challenges of an
                                           old Russia transitioning into a different reality.   world, with a team of 68 madrichim.
     organizations:                        Since then, the dedication of our  shlichim   experiences took place last year in Israel, on Yom
                                                                                    The  moment  that  brought  all  these
                                           to the Jews of Russia has enabled our kollel
                                           to  flourish, despite  instability and ongoing   HaAtzmaut morning, when we hosted an event
     What were                             challenges. This vibrant learning center has   for over 300 Bnei Akiva bogrim who had made
                                                                                 Aliyah. As I took the microphone to speak, I was
                                           directly impacted thousands of lives, teaching
     some of                               Torah and strengthening Jewish identity through   overcome by tears of emotion. Years of shlichut,
                                           its many Shabbatonim and other events.
                                                                                 of building relationships with young Jews, of
                                              On my desk in Jerusalem, I keep a collage of   speaking about Torah, avodah and Aliyah, were
     your most                             pictures of the young couples that met, married   transformed into a living reality in front of my
                                           and have built a life of yiddishkeit in Moscow
                                           under the guidance of Rabbi David Ushuvayev,   “Who are these… who fly like doves to their
     meaningful                            our legendary Rosh Kollel of 24 years. Some   dovecote?” (Yishayahu 60:8). Rav Kook explains
                                                                                 that Aliyah is like a dove returning to its home.
                                           have even made Aliyah, and are happily raising
                                           Jewish families here in Israel. All of this is only   Seeing hundreds of Jews return to Israel, to their
     shlichut                              possible due to the extraordinary dedication of   homeland – this is what redemption looks like!
                                           our shlichim.
                                              As we cope with ongoing uncertainty,
     moments?                              whether it be the COVID pandemic, Russia’s
                                           invasion of Ukraine or other challenges all over
                                           the globe, it is the dedication of our shlichim –
                                           to the people, values and mission of Religious
                                           Zionism – that gives us the strength to move

                                                                                 Efrat Metzler became the first female Deputy
                                                                                 Director of World Bnei Akiva in 2021. She previously
                                           Zeev Schwartz is the CEO and Founding Chairman   served as Director of World Bnei Akiva’s Bogrim
                                           of Torah MiTzion.                     Department and as Head of its European Desk.

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