Page 29 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 29

“Shlichut” and “Shmiah”

                   in the Torah Readings

                         of Rosh Hashanah                                                                Rabbanit

                                                                                                         Shani Taragin

               n the first day of Rosh   A close examination of the text   as his “son” and maintains his faith
               Hashanah, we read the   underscores the connection between   and readiness to fulfill Hashem’s
               story of Bereishit 21,   the stories: In each case, Avraham is   command. “And Avraham sent forth
      Owhich  describes  how           required to part from a son, and in both   his hand.” The angel therefore cried
      Hashem blessed Sarah with a child.   instances, he fulfills G-d’s command   out: “All the nations of the earth
      According to the rabbis, Sarah   early in the morning. In each story,   shall bless themselves by your
      conceived on Rosh Hashanah (Rosh   the son, referred to as  na’ar (lad),   descendants, because you have heeded
      Hashanah 10b–11a), making this story   faces mortal danger and is ultimately   My command.”
      particularly appropriate for the Day   saved. Furthermore, these are the   Hagar could not “see” the well of water
      of Judgment. Surprisingly, however,   only two stories in which we find an   and salvation before her eyes, let alone
      the Torah reading does not end with   angel calling “from the heavens” and   “heed” the promises hinted to in her
      the birth of Yitzchak. We not only   which reveal a new phenomenon (a   son’s name, and so she cast her son to
      read the beginning of the chapter, of   well of water and a ram caught in the   die in despair. By contrast, Avraham
      the miraculous birth of Yitzchak to   thicket). Finally, both stories conclude   “sees” his sacrifice, and knows when
      Avraham and Sarah, but continue the   with Divine promises that the na’ar   to “send away” one son and “send forth
      narrative with the expulsion of Hagar   will become “a great nation” or have   his hand” to kill the other son as he
      and Yishmael from Avraham’s home.   a “multitude of descendants”.  “heeds” Divine commands.
      Why include the story of Hagar and   The parallels also highlight the
      Yishmael which appears to have no   sharp contrast between Avraham   Shlichut is an expression of shmi’ah – of
      connection to Rosh Hashanah?                                      listening, internalizing and heeding
                                       and Hagar – a difference expressed   commandments of Hashem that often
      It may be that the second half of the   through the words עמש (heeding) and   demand sacrifice. Sometimes we are
      story is meant to serve as a prelude for   חלש (sending). Hashem commands   meant to “send forth” others as an
      the Torah reading of akeidat Yitzchak on   Avraham: “Do not be distressed over   expression of Divine mission, while
      the second day, which begins with the   the boy (Yishmael) or your slave   other times we must “send forth” our
      next chapter – “And it was, after these   (Hagar); whatever Sarah tells you, heed   own hands (cf. Rashi, Shemot 2:5).
      things…” – suggesting the story of akeidat   what she says…” Avraham then “sends”   The two juxtaposed Torah readings
      Yitzchak is connected to the preceding   them away. Hagar, though receiving   of Rosh Hashanah remind us that
      story of the banishment of Yishmael.   the angel’s explicit promise that “I will   shlichut requires of us to see beyond
      Reading these stories on consecutive   multiply your seed exceedingly, that it   the challenges of the moment, and to
      days highlights how painful it was   shall not be numbered for multitude”,   maintain our faith in the promises
      for Avraham to fulfill Hashem’s   and that Yishmael would “dwell in the   of Hashem: “All the nations of the
      command  and  offer  Yitzchak  as  a   presence of all his brethren” (16:10–  earth shall bless themselves by your
      sacrifice immediately after Hashem   12), nevertheless falls into complete   descendants, because you have heeded
      commanded him to banish (i.e. a   despair when Yishmael dehydrates   My command.”
      form of ‘sacrificing’) Yishmael – for   and “casts” – as opposed to “sends” –
      “through Yitzchak your offspring shall   “the child” under a bush.
      be continued”!                   Even  when  lifting  up  the  knife  to   Rabbanit Shani Taragin  is Educational
                                       slay Yitzchak, Avraham still sees him   Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
                                                                        Mizrachi-TVA Lapidot Educators’ Program.

                                                                                                         A member of
                                                                                                         the Mizrachi
                                                                                                         Speakers Bureau

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