Page 234 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 234

232 · Hilchot Shiluach HaKein                                      Tzurba M’Rabanan

        Rav Yaakov Ettlinger, author of the Responsa Binyan Tzion, concludes that one does not recite a beracha for
        a different reason: Perhaps the bird will fly away before one chases it away, which would result in one reciting
        a beracha levatala (beracha in vain).

        a    Responsa Binyan Tzion HaChadashot 14           די | תושדחה ןויצ ןינב ת”וש   . 26
        …One  can  give  another  reason  why  one  doesn’t  recite  a   לע  ךרבמ  אלש  ןכ  םג  םעט  ןתיל  שי  הזבו…
        beracha  on  Shiluach  Hakein  in  the first case, for  when  one   ךרבמש  העשבד  ,ןושארה  ןפואב  ןקה  חוליש
        recites the  beracha  before performing the action, there is a    םאה  חרפת  אמש  קפס  שי  ,התיישעל  רבוע
        doubt that perhaps the bird might fly away from the nest on    הכרב יווהו ,החלשיש ילבמ ןקה לעמ הילאמ
        its own without one chasing it away, and it would be a beracha    ןפואמ  קר  א”בשרה  ריכזה  אל  ןכלו  .הלטבל
        recited in vain. Therefore, the Rashba mentioned saying the    אמש ששח ןיא הזבד ,הליחת החקולש ,ינשה
        beracha only in the second scenario where one picked it up
        first, as that case there is no concern that it will fly away. But in    .הריבע י”ע האבש הווצמ יווה הזב לבא ,חרפת
        this case, it would be a mitzva that comes by committing a sin   .ןקה חוליש לע ןיכרבמ ןיא ןפוא לכב ןכלו
        [as he took it rather than sending it away]. Therefore, in any
        event, one does not recite the beracha.

        However, some Acharonim maintain that one may recite the beracha without Hashem’s name.

        p     Sefer Shale’ach Teshalach, Se’if 3             ג ףיעס | חלשת חלש רפס     . 27

        Some say that one recites a beracha at the time of fulfilling   תווצמ  םויק  תעב  םיכרבמש  ,םירמוא  שי
        the mitzva of  Shiluach Hakein. But many  poskim hold that   ןיאש םיקסופהמ הברה תעד ןכא .ןקה חוליש
        one should not recite a  beracha, and this is the opinion of    הצורה ךא .וננמז יקסופ תעד איה ןכו ,ךרבל
        contemporary poskim. One who wishes may recite a beracha      .תוכלמו םש אלב ךרבל לוכי
        without Hashem’s name.

        Below is the text of a prayer that may be recited before performing this mitzva declaring one’s intention to
        do so (similar to those recited by some before performing other mitzvot), as well as the text of the beracha
        (for those who wish to say it):
          “I am prepared and ready to send the mother bird from the nest, to fulfill the positive mitzva that my
          Creator, may He be blessed, has commanded me in the holy Torah, as it is stated: You shall send away the
          mother, and the negative prohibition not to take the mother, as it is stated: You shall not take the mother
          from on the child.”
        One may then recite the beracha without Hashem’s Name:
          “Blessed are you, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with his mitzvot and commanded us to send
          away [the mother from] the nest.”
          :ר ַ מ ֱ אֶּנ ֶ ׁ ש ,ה ָ ׁשֹוד ְּ ק ַ ה ה ָ רֹו ּ ת ַּ ב ֹומ ְ ׁש ך ַ ר ָּ ב ְ תִי י ִ א ְ רֹו ּ ב יִנ ָּוי ִּ צ ֶ ׁש ה ֵ ׂש ֲ ע ת ַ ו ְ צ ִ מ םֵּי ַ ק ְ ל ,ן ֵּ ק ַ ה ן ִ מ רֹו ּ פי ִ צ ם ֵ א  ַ ח ֵּ ל ַ ׁש ְ ל ן ָ מּוז ְ מּו ן ָ כּומ יִני ֵ ר ֲ ה
                        ".םיִנ ָּ ב ַ ה ל ַ ע ם ֵ א ָ ה ח ַּ ק ִ ת אלֹ" :ר ַ מ ֱ אֶּנ ֶ ׁש ,ם ֵ א ָ ה ח ַ קי ִ ל אֹ ּ ל ֶ ׁש ה ֶ ׂש ֲ ע ַּ ת אלֹ ת ַ ו ְ צ ִ מּו ,”ם ֵ א ָ ה ת ֶ א ח ַּ ל ַ ׁש ְּ ת  ַ ח ֵּ ל ַ ׁש"
                                              .ן ֵּ ק ַ ה  ַ ח ֵּ ל ַ ׁש ְ ל ּונ ָּוי ִ צ ְ ו וי ָ תֹו ְ צ ִ מ ְּ ב ּונ ָ ׁש ְ ּ ד ִ ק ר ֶ ׁש ֲ א ,ם ָ לֹוע ָ ה ך ֶ ל ֶ מ ה ָּ ת ַ א ךּור ָּ ב

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