Page 233 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 233
ןנברמ אברוצ ןקה חוליש תוכלה · 231
Reciting a Beracha on the
Mitzva of Shiluach Hakein
The Rishonim dispute whether a beracha is recited before fulfilling the mitzva. The Ra’avad, cited by the
Aruch HaShulchan, holds one must recite a beracha.
a Aruch HaShulchan, Yoreh Deah 292:10 י:בצר ד״וי | ש״הע . 24
It seems clear that one is obligated to recite a beracha when ןכו …החוליש תעשב ךרבל בייחש ,טושפ הארנו
sending her away… I also found this [ruling] in the sefer םש איבה ,ד”בארהל ”םיעד םימת“ רפסב יתאצמ
Tumim De’im of the Ra’avad. At the end of Siman 179, he brings תוכלה םשב רוטיעה לעב ירבד טעק ןמיס ףוסב
the words of the Ba’al Ha’Ittur in the name of the Halachot ךרבל ךירצ – אתכלהו“ :ונושל וזו ,תוקוספ
Pesukot: “The halacha is that one must recite a beracha for …ונושל ןאכ דע ,’וכו ”הקעמבו ןקה חולישב
Shiluach Hakein and for building a fence [on one’s roof]”…
By contrast, the Rashba writes that one does not recite a beracha.
r Responsa of the Rashba 3:283 גפר:ג | א”בשרה ת”וש . 25
Question: Does one recite a beracha for Shiluach Hakein or not? ?ואל וא ןקה חולישב ןיכרבמ םא ,תלאש
Answer: …Nevertheless, regarding your doubt whether one םא ךל קפתסנש המ ,םוקמ לכמו… :הבושת
recites a beracha on the positive mitzva – i.e., on the mitzva of וא – חולישה לע ונייהד – השעה לע ןיכרבמ
Shiluach – or on the negative commandment of “do not take ".םינבה לע םאה חקית אל“ ונייהד ,ואלה לע
the mother over her young,” it would seem that it would have ,ואלה לע ךרבל ול היהש ,רתוי הארנ היהו
been more appropriate to recite the beracha over the negative ”חלשת חלש”ד ,הווצמה רקיע אוהש ינפמ
commandment, for this is the primary part of the mitzva. וקתנ – חקלו רבע םאש ,ואלה קתינ אלא וניא
Because sending the mother bird is only the rectification of
the negative commandment, that if one transgressed and took םוקמ לכמו ".חלשת חלש”ד השעל בותכה
[the mother], the verse transformed it to a positive mitzva of החנהש ,”חלשל ונוויצש“ אלא ךרבמ וניא
sending the mother away. Nevertheless, one can only recite אלא ןיכרבמ ןיא – ןיכרבמ םאו ,חולישה ונייה
the beracha as “that we are commanded to send away,” for ןיאש ,ואל לע םלועל ןיכרבמ ןיאש ,השעה לע
hanacha is sending the bird away. And if one would recite ,הלבנה תא ונל רסאש“ הלבנה ואל לע ןיכרבמ
a beracha, one can do so on a positive commandment for ירוסיא ואל לעו ,”הטיחשה תא ונל ריתהו
one never recites a beracha on a negative commandment. .םייאלכה תשיבל לעו ,תולכאמה
For we don’t recite a beracha regarding the prohibition of
neveila (eating an animal improperly slaughtered), “that He
prohibits us from eating a neveila and permitted us the animals
through shechita,” or other prohibited foods and forbidden
mixtures of clothing, etc.
3. It seems that this word is incorrect, as it does not fit the context at all. Perhaps it should say instead “the aseh” – the positive commandment.
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