Page 6 - CCU Flipbook
P. 6



                                                              SUNDANESE PEOPLE

                          Sundanese people are familiar with the traditional saying:

                                                      silih asah, silih asih, silih asuh.

                                                  Silih asih : Love for fellow humans.

  Silih asah : Mutual self-improvement so that each community educates each other.

                                Silih asuh : Protect and give attention to each other.

                                                                   B O T R A M

                                   Botram  is  a  Sundanese  term  that  refers  to  the  tradition  of

                                   eating  together  on  banana  leaves  or  mats.  This  Sundanese

                                   tradition  of  eating  together  is  carried  out  with  the  aim  of

                                   establishing togetherness and tying the bonds of brotherhood.

                                                        B E N J A N G

          Benjang is a traditional Indonesian art that combines art and martial arts.

                       This game is generally practiced by teenage and adult men.
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