Page 10 - CCU Flipbook
P. 10


                                                                            is a self-purification ceremony to welcome
                                                                           the Nyepi holiday by all Hindus in Bali. The

                                                                           Melasti ceremony is held to wash away the

                                                                           impurities of nature using the water of life.

                                                                           The Melasti ceremony is held on the beach

                                                                           with the aim of purifying oneself from all

                                                                           bad deeds in the past and throwing them

                                                                           into the sea.

             Galungan is an important festival in

             Balinese Hindu life that commemorates

             the victory of Dharma (righteousness)

             over Adharma (evil). During Galungan,

             families decorate their homes with

             penjor (decorative poles) and make

             offerings to ancestors.


                                                                        This parade is held on the night of
                                                                        pengrupukan, the day before Nyepi,

                                                                        ogoh-ogoh is a symbol of Bhuta Kala

                                                                        which has negative power, paraded

                                                                        around the village with the aim of

             OGOH-OGOH PARADE                                           driving away negative forces, then

                                                                        burned. So that the implementation of

                                                                        catur brata penyepian there is no

                                                                        interference from evil forces.

                                                                                   Kecak is a Balinese dance drama that primarily

                                                                                   tells the story of the Ramayana and is

                                                                                   performed primarily by men. It is performed

                                                                                   by many (dozens or more) male dancers who

                                                                                   sit in a circular line and rhythmically chant

                                                                                   "cak" and raise their arms, depicting the
                                      KECAK                                        Ramayana story when a line of monkeys help

                                                                                   Rama fight Ravana.
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