Page 12 - CCU Flipbook
P. 12




                         Matsuri  are  Japanese  festivals  and  a  way  for  local

                         communities  to  come  together  and  hold  celebrations.

                         Almost  all  matsuri  have  some  connection  to  Buddhism,

                         Shintoism, the four seasons, or important historical events.

                              G I O N   M A T S U R I

            The  Gion  Festival  or

            Gion  Matsuri  aims  to

            make  offerings  to  the

            gods             and            prevent

            disease outbreaks.


                                     In  this  festival,  there                      A W A   O D O R I   F E S T I V A L

                                     are 33 dashi which

                                     are paraded

                                     with the theme

                                     of Japanese



         T E N J I N   M A T S U R I

                                                                            Awa  Odori  is  Japan's  largest  traditional

                                                                            dance festival. This event is held to welcome

                                                                            the Obon celebrations. In this festival, there

                                                                            are  many  traditional  dishes,  areas  for

                                                                            visitors to dance, and a large parade with
      Tenjin  Matsuri  is  an  annual                                       many dance groups.

      festival.  Japanese  people  go  to

      the  Osaka  Shrine  to  pray  to  the

      God of Education for success and

      health.                                                            Funatogyo

      The  main  event  or

      Funatogyo                happens

      when  portable  shrines

      are loaded onto boats

      and  paraded  up  and

      down the river.                                     Over 100 boats
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